Traduire   12 années depuis

Ever Felt So Lost? Ever felt so lost, and yet so safe? Never have the feelings been so lone. Some you have no comprehension of what to do with. Never have I been so flat out in love before. One time, both depressing and the best feeling in the world. In no way am I saying I am the only one who have had this feeling. Yet, the objective feel so out of reach. In some way it does not feel out of reach, yet it is. Then what is it? Is it known? Is it foreign? Is it time to smithe the iron? Questions I have a lot of, answers are few. The answers I know is not comforting. They are scary and stressful at best. Do nothing, loose it all. Do everything, and one might loose it all, never accomplishing anything. As a person once said: “It is better to have lost and loved, than to never have loved at all”. I might believe I am at that point. Is it the thoughts, or the feelings that brings towards scary images, and false imaginations of a future that could be? Again, A lot of questions, with a few viable answers.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère