Translate   12 years ago

Are You? Are you the snowdrop, marking the sweet dawn of spring? With a frailty that belies the strength deep within. The famine curves of those beautiful petals, Their brief stay on Earth advocating their mettle. Are you the lighthouse with its powerful beam? That comforts and protects the sailor at sea. Steadfast and strong, a beacon of light, When #life is so dark, you inspire us to fight. Are you the puppy with her soft downy fur? That incites affection, too cute to ignore. With energy bounded only when she's asleep, Bouncing through #life, never seeming replete. Are you the painting, the sculpture or sonnet? Inspiring the dream and then action upon it. No preaching or lectures delivered from these works, It's performance and beauty that arouse, not the words You are all of these things and so very much more. You are beauty and honesty, integrity, the spur. You are strong and tenacious, inspiring and kind. You are all of these things, but you just are not mine.

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