3 Years Of Acid Rain Part 1 The day wore on as any other in the heat of early summer, a few boring hours pass by and then some shared with good company arrive. Filling the air with flowing conversation and surgery sweet pop, all of us more or less content with our moment together. Laughter ringing through the calm, green field where we are all sat, each of us engaged in chatter about our range of mundane and/or exiting day of work. The sun peaking over the white clouds above us, leaving my eyes close to burning as I had the unfortunate timing of looking directly into the burning ball at that exact moment. Rubbing my eyelids in an effort to calm the irritated feeling whilst still talking about the previous topic, i fail to notice that suddenly the field is quiet and much darker than before. There are no birds, no bugs, no noise except the howling wind. No one is here except me, my friends are not here and neither are any trace that they ever were. Amber, who I was chatting to right next to me is gone like magic. Bethany, who was to the other side is now replaced by a dead and dried tree. My voice absent of sound, but my face expressing all the panic, bewilderment and shock necessary. As I scan the horizon nothing but dead landscape can be seen, where city's and farm houses were once known to be. Glancing again I notice a silhouette of someone on horseback staring directly at me. The first reaction I process is to stand up to see more clearly, as my eyes adjust to the late evening light I seem to recognize who it is. "Jessica?!" I say to myself, and before I get the chance to bellow that question across the field, the rider starts galloping towards me at a fast pace with a look as fierce as no other I have ever witnessed. As she grows increasingly nearer a scream of anger can be heard echoing from her lungs. "ERIN!!" She calls out violently. The sudden outburst of hostility and a combination of the circumstances throw me back onto the floor. The rider who now can be seen as a very much changed and slightly older version of Jessica, races towards me and stops directly in front of me narrowly avoiding crushing my feet with her rearing horse. "So it was you, i was right" she says in a dark and troubled voice whilst I raise my head to find I am greeted with a sharp blade to my throat. "We finally found you, after all this time searching I find you here at the spot where our fondest memories together are. Before you ruined them!" She adds bitterly "and now you can pay for the crimes you have committed." Complete confusion is the only emotion now... "Crimes? What crimes?" I question her. "WHAT CRIMES?! You honestly seek to deny them now, after you have already admitted them! ...Silence lingers between us... "Murder! Your the one person that has haunted all of our dreams for 3 years. You murdered our friends in front of us, you murdered Amber and Bethany 3 years ago." The sheer shock of these accusations leave me unable to move, speak or look away as I am left paralyzed by the news of my friends death. Just as I start to form a sentence in my head Jessica added... "And you would have killed us too if it wasn't for there sacrifice, now you will join them..." To be continued...

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