Translate   12 years ago

Home Sweet Home? And so I find myself loving back at the parents house once again. And already, I'm bored. But a little catch up first. Not sure if I mentioned the wrist injury in the last post (basically slipped and landed awkwardly on my troublesome fractured wrist) which had put me out of training. Well I couldn't really resist and ended up going out in my cougar again yesterday. Didn't feel great but certainly manageable, and nothing too strenuous either. I did take some kids out in the little lightning race boats and ended up taking a swim. Note to self: stable boats are more important when coaching. Then it was time to head back home. So naturally I locked myself out of the office where all my money was and my clothes and everything.Phil came back in to help me out then got a lift to the station. Ticket machine was broken so couldn't take cash and the office was closed, so I had to bump into a ticket checker man (who was confused by "arlesey" which to his amazement, did exist). Got into London on the slow train, hopped onto the tube then huge delays around edge ware road. All in all it was a more stressful journey than typical but I got in at around half 10 with a tesco sarny and a gateau. Taking the dogs out for a walk, watering the allotments and perhaps seeing Luton town FC later. And that's where I am now. Can't say I'm too excited to be back but at least there's a few things going on to keep the noodle ticking.

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