Chapter 2- It's Gotta Be Mi (And When You're Awake You Think Of Mi) Beads of sweat trickled down the sleeping male's face as he twitched and writhed on the bed. "Zhou..." He rasped. "Zhou Mi." The door of the male's room opened and another male, all decked out in pink-everything came bursting into the room. "Kyu!" He cried, jumping onto the other. The man addressed as 'Kyu' woke with a start. He sat up, rubbing his eyes groggily. "What is it, Min?" He asked, shooting an annoyed look at the person called 'Min'. Min just giggled. "You were having weird dreams again, weren't you?" He teased. "About that Mi guy and whatnot?" Kyu glared at Min. "Well, it's better than having to stand you and your annoying... pink-ness!" Min pouted. "Kyu is mean to Min. Humph." 'Ding Dong!' the bell rang. Kyu ran down to answer it, wanting to escape his annoying roommate's presence. The door opened. "Hello, Kyuhyun..." Whispered a familiar voice.

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