Translate   12 years ago

Three Minutes On Love Love is a word over used over heard but when you see her your gonna see it in the third by that I mean in the eye that watches time go high and makes your heart fly when she walks by and you don't know why it feels like there's you and her and no person other on the planet but you didn't plan it it just happened and you took it and ran it without a thought except how can I not be with her till I'm dead as a rock you see her and you wanna kiss her you never need anyone else you always miss her you forever want to be with her you count hours till you see each other can't live without her she is your other depend on her more then your mother never want to be with another always know that you love her and you see a future with her there and you can't not care even if mistakes are made you'll always be there and you won't ever go cause you know if you do she'll be messed up on her own and you don't ever want to see her in pain you wanna turn it to sunshine from rain so you can watch her go play like she was on the first day you met her even if that day was Wednesday this feeling happens so quick you get hit with it before you know what your down on a knee saying please marry me and all you see is her face and you think this must be a power from above and you finally know the real meaning of love.

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