Translate   12 years ago

Woke up this morning, as usual 5am on the dot, no alarm needed, no reminders required. As I do every morning, why can't I sleep? Still it allows me quiet moments before the world awakes and unleashes its noises and smells upon us. I made myself my usual morning cup of tea, strong and sweet. Then stole myself for a walk around the empty streets, not looking for anything, just enjoying the solitude. Then out of an alley came the stereotypical long greasy haired dishevelled individual clutching a Sainsburys carrier bag. Now this always intrigues me, why is he carrying a shopping bag that clearly contains a carton of milk? There are no shops open at this un-Godly hour, and more notedly there is no Sainsbury's within several miles. Well time to get ready for work, night shift beckons, this is my first snippet to test out what this is all about!

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