Translate   12 years ago

Broken hearted-39 Harry's POV After a couple days with mum we're home. I dropped Bri off at her flat since I had a meeting to go to with the boys. Walking into the room, I see that everyone's already there waiting for me. "Where have you been!?" Simon exclaims. "You've missed three meetings in the last two weeks." "I was with Bri. And we were in Chesire for a couple days visiting my mum." "We love Bri to death but you need to keep up with the band. We're recording our new single in LA and then shooting the music video. Does that mean anything to you?" Liam asks. "Of course it does. I've just been really stressed out lately and that last fight with Bri was really bad. You know that Liam. I just needed some time to clear my head and figure everything out." "We leave tomorrow. We'll be there for about two weeks. No girlfriends. No distractions. Just music. Got it." "Yeah." I sit down next to Niall and Louis and wait for the meeting to be over. I go over to Bri's flat and tell her that I'm going to LA. I walk through her front door, since its always unlocked. Which is actually not very smart. "Hey, Harry." She says from the kitchen. "I'm making pasta would you like some?" "No that's okay. Just came by to tell you something." "Go ahead." "I'm going to be in LA for about two weeks recording for our new album and shooting the music video for our new single. And I promised Simon that it would be no girlfriends, just music and the band. So if you don't hear from me in two weeks its because of that." "When do you leave?" "Tomorrow morning." "It'll be good for you to just get away. I bet the boys miss you. And don't worry I'll be fine here." "No fights while I'm gone." "I can't promise you that." "Just don't get hurt." "Can't promise that either." "What can you promise?" "That I'll still be in a relationship when you return." "That's a good promise." "I didn't say with who though." "Babe." "I'm kidding. I love you." "I love you too. I'm going to stop at the market do you need anything?" "Well I need a lot of stuff but can you just get fancy bread, whipped cream, and cookie dough ice cream?" I laugh at her request and answer, "of course, I'll be back in a little." "Thanks," she says and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Bri's POV I'm glad Harry's going to LA for a while. That sounded horrible but he needs to hang out with the guys for a little. He's been spending a lot of time with me and I'm more than happy that he does but he's been a little distant from the boys and missing meetings and whatever else they do.

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