Power Outage Chapter 4 No one was sure what to do at this point. I mean, what would your reaction be after reading a letter like that? This is when true panic started to set in. When, for the first time, no one knew how to handle what had tooken place. When would the power come back on? Will it come back on automatically? Will some one fix it? But how? Ean's POV~ I went up to my room and rumaged through some drawers. I was looking for something, I knew I had it, but I'm not sure what it's actually called. Ah! There it is! It was a long, pointy, stick shaped thing. They came in a lot of colors too. I believe its called a crate, crakin, or, maybe its a crayon... One of those. And you use those to draw on this white, rectangle thing. My parents told me kids used to do this stuff in school all the time. I think it would be fun to live in the olden age. I started to draw a picture. I wasn't actually sure what I was doing or what I was making. At first it was a bunch of jumbled up lines. Then I thickened the lines and made this sort of odd rainbow shape. Hhmmmm.... Thats it. I guess I was done. Not to bad for beginner I thought. I started to draw another one. I only used a green color thing on this one. I scribbled and scribbled. What does this one look like? A forest! Wow. I was pretty good at this. I took out another piece of paper. But then I thought... Maybe I should pick something to draw first instead of just scribbling. I'll try a.... Hmmm? Oh, I know. I'll draw my family. I spent almost the rest of the evening doing that until I was called to dinner. I ran down the stairs excited to eat. But when I arrived Dad wasn't there and the food didnt look so good. "Hi honey. Your dad got a little mad. And I'm sorry about the food. I can't use the gas oven and grill anymore. And I've had to through away a lot of the rotting food. This is what I scraped together." "It's fine mommy." She could still tell I was upset though. We sat down and made the best dinner of it we could. _____________________ Huge changes were taking place. People started realizing that they may go hungry. Cold food couldn't be stored, and non- perishable foods like beans could not be cooked. Things would start to smell horrible, and were do you go to the restroom? All legitemint statements. How do you fix this? No legitemint answers.

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