Culture Critic Vol.3 One True Fact About Men???? Okay I feel like I need to dismantle one of the biggest codes that we as men have been saying we live by for years. The whole "Bro's over "Hoe's" theory is funny to me because, in reality that is absolute total bs. It's not a man in America that would be with his bro before his hoe. If I have a guy tell me that he wants to go to the game with me and I have a chick tell me that she wants me to come over her house and "smash" guess where I'm going....... I'm going to go smash that chick. Bottom line point blank period. All men would rather be with women instead of being with men: , unless you are a bro who likes bro's, then that's cool too in that case then it's "bro's" before "hoe's" for you then. But for me, I like chicks... "Chicks" before "Dicks".

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