Tradurre   12 anni fa

Know Your Own Car I'm not usually the one to moan , others may disagree but let's not dwell on that. I work within the motor industry as a sales advisor, in short I sell car parts, Not the most glamorous of jobs but hey someone has to do it as they say. As a job its not rocket science, you come to me because you need a part for your car i then find the part using a fantastic bit of equipment called a computer, i go get the part that you require from our vast range of stock, you pay and your on your way, simple right ?? WRONG !! On a daily basis I ask the most simplest of questions " what is your vehicle registration number" ?? What part do you require ?? And everyday I get the same response "I dunno" How on earth am I meant to find the part you require if you can't even give me the reg of your own car?? the car you went out to buy with your own hard earned cash, the car that was probably one of many you seen before finally deciding to pick this one, the car that without, as you say "you wouldn't be able to get to work everyday". Come on is it really that hard to memorise a combination on 7 letters and numbers on a standard uk registered vehicle. It begs the question "how did this person get dressed this morning "?? He remembered how to do that, he remembers where he goes to work everyday, he remembers where he lives, he remembers his mobile phone number but yet he can't remember the reg of his own car. So, I patiently ask him what car he has, thinking I'm going to save this poor forgetful man an embarrassing walk back to the car park to get the reg, but wait he's drawn a blank, he doesn't even know what car he's driving, In desperation he's looking at his young son with hope that he may know the answer, I'm stood there like a lemon pondering the thought of offering him a #lifeline "would you like to phone a friend or even ask the audience" ?? But I couldn't do that, I couldn't belittle the man in front of what was a patient queue of customers that are now getting more and more annoyed by his stupidity. " a 206 the little boy says quietly" with that the mans face fills with happiness and joy, confident and cocky that he now remembers the reg, he puffs out his chest, head stood high and with an awe inspiring deep arrogant voice he reels it out like he's known it his whole #life. Feeling happy in himself and looking back at other customers nodding like a Churchill dog, he leans in with a smile on his face as if he is about to say something clever when i shoot him down by pronouncing that the registration number he magically remembered was for a little old ford fiesta that has been scrapped. In utter disbelief and embarrassment he storms out of the shop with his young son in toe muttering to himself and completely empty handed. He later returns with a bit of scrap paper all sheepish and shy and whimpered the correct reg number, i locate and collect the part he wants and and he thanks me as he politely walks away with the part he so desperately needed. In brief, if you ever need a part for your vehicle, please come prepared even write the registration number down if you have to otherwise you may end up feeling like this guy.

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