Translate   12 years ago

A Story About A Girl And A Boy I've been watching my hand flow over this paper so many times that now I don't know wether I'm writing anything or just imagining. Still, the letters flow in such cursive way that I think they could be a worthy rival for a river or a waterfall. I started drifting away again. I am sorry. I wanted to tell you something else. I felt the need to share a story about a girl and a boy. Don't run! I know this sounds very cliche, but bare with me, please. I promise this will worth you're time. Can you imagine a world where everything is permitted? Can you? 'Cause my story takes place in a world like that. Well, for them it was like that. You see...they could do anything they wanted, go anywhere,laugh, sing, dance and swim in the moonlight, naked and happy. Their names? No, I'm not gonna share their names, 'cause that would break the magic and my story would end before it even began. Let us keep some mystery, still. So, the girl and the boy were free of any society, any prejudice, and sorrow. They were completely free and #life came easy. They did not worry about aging or death and they welcomed any experience with their arms and heart wide open. They slept under the starry sky and the son woke them every morning with warm caresses. And they were happy. One day, a peculiar character crossed their path. "Good day to you!" he said on a cheerful tone. "How are you doing here?" "Very good, thank you" answered the boy. "It's very unexpected to meet anyone here. No other people came here." "That's to bad for them. It is a lovely place. So, are you happy here? What do you do all day?" "We walk, swim, dance, explore the woods, we love..." Said the girl shy. "Love...yes, that's something everyone outside forgot." The man thought nostalgic. "Outside? What do you mean?" the boy was as eager as always to discover something new. "And tell me, please, who are you?" "Me? Well, I am a writer. And this is my universe. I wanted a place were all is possible so I created it. Now I came to see if you two were happy with it." The boy and the girl looked at each other and didn't knew what to say. Questions started to cloud their happiness and soon, the bright light that shone on their faces paled. "What does that make us?" the girl asked. "I put you here for others to learn from you." "Learn what?" The boy shouted, " we are not even real!" "Don't think that! You both are very real. More real then any person I know. And you will live forever. I wanted to let you free in the world to live and love, so all the people see what love really is, to learn to be free, to value what they have and, above all, I wanted to help everyone learn to love and cherish one another and live in harmony. So, you see, you are real me and to every person that will ever read your story, and you will be an example for generations. So live on!" "So you say we will be like this forever?" "Yes!" And with this single word he vanished. The girl and the boy felt like woken from a dream, but one they both shared and learned from it. They understood they had to live and love more then before, because there was more to their #life then just being happy with each other, they had a higher destiny.they had to live forever and be cherished by others. So they started loving each other more, and dance more, and laugh more. And they still do that today, because they live in a book. You don't believe me... I know it's hard, but think of all the books you read. Think of all the stories you still return after many years had past, just because the feeling in them was so pure and precious. Think of all the time you first read about a kiss and wondered if that's how it feel, and when you experienced your first kiss, your mind said: "see? it feels just like that and even better." Think of the times you felt so alone, in your room and the only thing that comforted you was a book. Now you believe me! Good! Then, go read a book! Read a story about a boy and a girl!

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