Dreams (part 1) We all have dreams that we discover when we are younger that we hope to accomplish or live them. I have a lot of dreams, but one of them was to be a championship equestrian show jumper. I discovered this when I was about 10, when I jumped my first jump on my favorite pony. For 7 years I have been riding horses because it was my passion, and it was the best feeling to be on the back of my horse and feeling the wind dance across my face, and when my horse takes off for the jump....words can't describe the joy and freedom that overwhelms the senses. I have fallen off a lot, and been to the ER a few times, but it was worth it. Last year, something happened to me that halted dream of being a champion in the show jumping area. I got a triple concussion, and it wasn't from falling off a horse. It was from a trampoline that kids have in their backyard. How I got the concussion is a different story. But my neurologist told me that I would never be able to ride horses again, because if I hit my head....anyway, when I heard this, I felt like the world was ending. I was so close to moving towards another level of show jumping, and I was going to try to join some colleges show jumping teams, but I couldn't even ride. For a year, I couldn't be near a horse, because I knew that I would want to get on my horse, and jump the 4ft fences I normally jump. So my #life was pretty boring, and my barn told me that I had to go and get my things, and that I couldn't ride there anymore. I had to stop leasing one of their horses, and that was that. I was destroyed, and I still am. But the other day, I went and saw my neurologist, and he said that I could ride again, but I could never show jump. My parents were thrilled, but for me, it meant nothing. All I ever wanted to do was jump. And I still couldn't. (To be continued)

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