Romantic Comedy( : Chp. 1 Stacy walked through her door, the door that held her new #life ahead if her. The white front door to her new house in Casloan, Peru. She just wanted to cry everytime she seen the house or , anything. Her first day of high school was August 28 but of course, it had to be in Peru. She was one on the chosen forgen exchange students along with other from England. Her eyes were wide open for many friend ships but instead she found something else, right after she got up. So Stacey's first day started off like this, Stacey was walking into school when she finally saw someone who could be a potential American or Britain. She was staring off at him. Her eyes following his, but the next thing she knows, the guy in front of her was holding the door then stacey stop and stares some more then BAM Stacey whacks her forehead on the door an falls right on her bum.

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