çevirmek   12 yıllar önce

The Story About The Dreamer Chapter 9 I can't. I just ruined the best thing that's ever happened to me. The only good thing that's ever happened to me. I've never felt so obsessed and amazed by one person before. He was my best friend. I've never had a friend before. I think I was in love with him. I've never loved anyone before. And it will never happen again. And it's my fault. But I still can't. He thinks I'm crazy. My parents think I'm crazy. Everyone at school probably thinks I'm crazy. I can't go back there again. I really can't though. My dad is going to hate me so much. He will never stop-... I'll miss so much school from the visible beatings that I'll never be able to graduate high school. He'll make me pay for all the money he's spending on keeping me locked up in this nut house. And mom won't do a thing. I shouldn't do this. I'm only 16. But... My future will be me dropping out of high school, moving out, getting a shitty job, never getting married because I'm afraid of all men but most likely letting them all use and abuse me because I'm just messed up like that. And I don't want to be around for all that. So I guess I could. No one will miss me. And I will be happy. So maybe... Suddenly I hear a door open behind me. I look back to see the nurses shocked and terrified expression as I'm slowly inching closer and closer to death. So it's decided. I will. I turn around and smile at the nurse as she begins to run towards me. She screams and that makes me laugh a little. Right before she can grab me and pull me back into my tortuous #life, I slide off the edge of the building. And I fall. Falling. I feel free. As though I can fly. I have all control now. It feels amazing. I come closer and closer to my death and I regret absolutely nothing. As I come closer to death, I come closer to dreaming. Then I will dream forever. And that's the whole story.

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