Tradurre   12 anni fa

Good Things About Being A Teddy Bear Hello The good thing about being a teddy bear are that you are very small so you can sneak money out of piggy banks and no one will know... Apart from the piggy bank. My owner has one in her room mwahahahaha!!!!! There is NOTHING in the piggy bank! She tricked me! Look, it's not stealing if I'm going to pay her back, is it? OK it kind of is stealing but what if I leave an IOU note? Still stealing? Well her other money box is downstairs and I can't get downstairs because there are humans and they will see me, so it's not like I've ever actually done it. Technically this is a warning because YOUR teddy could do this while you are out, so kids believe it when your little brother/sister say they didn't steal that tenna to pay for sweets and cheap toys because they didn't! Your teddy bear did! So watch out for money stealing teddy bears!

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