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WOFEX 2013 Aug 2013 I arrived at home around 7pm in the evening. Well, it's been a long day. Our culinary class went to World Food Expo at SMX. We arrived at SMX around 10am and as we get inside, we quickly searched for the cooking demonstration field, because last year, we missed a lot of cooking demo from well-known chefs because of time constraint. We sat down the chairs in front of a stage, where the first chef was introduced. It was Chef Ogie, I was in front and I am trying to read his last name but it was embroidered in his uniform in cursive form so it was a little bit hard to see. He and his team was promoting this specific brand name of a peanut butter that evolved now, proudly introducing their new chocolate peanut butter. Of course chef will be conducting a dish that will involve their food product. He started with "Shumai" which the irritating host corrected and repeated as "Siomai" well, it is also accepted but what she wasn't aware was "Shumai" was the original term from China,which Chef Ogie mentioned after he was corrected by the ignorant host. Everything included in the original dumpling was there besides the peanut butter, which was really new to me, so I made sure to write down the list of ingredients and procedures. His second dish was a salad, and he showed us the procedure for the salad dressing, again with peanut butter and take note, his version of "put a little amount" means somewhat like "put like 250 ml. of olive oil in it" At the end of the demo, each of us received free taste of his obra. I was lucky to be in front and be the first to taste magic. The dumpling doesn't seem like he blended any peanut butter because it didn't took over the original taste of what a dumpling should taste like, instead gave it a little more edge. ( I'll post the ingredients and procedures on my next blog) After that, we walked around the vicinity, visited booths and took like 1hour for lunch and came back the cooking demo again. This time a not -so-popular chef will be promoting their product, a specific brand of olive oil, milk tea, condensed milk, mushroom line and chicken stocks. I remembered his name was Chef Marvin Eric, his demo was composed of an appetizer called "3 Mushroom soup", a main dish of grilled pork tender with steak sauce, a dessert called "white" because all the fruits used was all white and a drink of special cold coffee jelly. When the tasting came, the only dish I enjoyed most was the dessert. The last chef that will be conducting the cooking demo is a celebrity chef from Junior Masterchef, Chef Lau. I was starstrucked a bit but not much like the high level of starstruck when we saw the handsome Chef Nino. Chef Lau really was good at this, and the energy was there. He and his team was promoting a specific brand of organic and premium rice. He showed us a paella and congee combined. "Paella arrozcaldo" as he called it. And a cliche has been proven true, save the best for last. His dish was truly amazing, every aroma of the onion, garlic, ginger and chorizo was there, you can smell it and taste it. The shrimp and squid was not chewy and the broth that was used and now sipped inside the rice was the tastiest one. I just hope to taste a different dish made by him too. It's really an honor.

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