"Blur" - Part One "Prolouge" I can't sleep. It's on my mind again. Why can't I just forget. I ask myself these questions every night, the response is always the same... Just light up a cigarette and forget about it. The flame illuminates the room in a warm sunset glow, the first lug gives me tingles. I sit on the edge of the bed and watch out my window; Frank the Butcher across the street is watching some cheap late night movie called "Elke", the story of a woman who solves a families relationship issues by moving in and sleeping with them, no more of a movie than a softcore porno. Michelle next door came home about an hour ago with her next piece of meat, the curtains are now closed, he must be having the time of his #life. I extend my focus beyond the street and focus on the city that sits there. It looks so far away, like its in a snow globe, the distant cars look like fairy lights slowly fading away... Just like everything in my #life. No, stop, stop feeling sorry for yourself, you have no-one to blame but yourself. I feel the warmth of the cigarette that is slowly coming to an end on my finger, I reach for the ashtray that sits on my bedside table. Something falls, the sound of glass cracking on the floor follows. I ignite my zippo and place it on the bedside table, it lights up enough just to see the photo frame lying face down, pieces of broken glass surround it. My heart sinks. I pick up the frame and to reveal the photo of a woman and a child. It looks like something out of a catalogue, it's a perfect photograph. I remove the photo from the frame and place it back on the bedside table to then be welcomed by a peculiar smell. The cigarette started to singe the hairs on my leg, I feel no pain. The butt burns on top of an old wound, I feel nothing on this part of my leg. I calmly pickup the end and flick it out of my window then begin to dust the ash off of my leg. I shut off the zippo and wait as my eyes quickly adjust to the sudden change of light and take one last glance out the window. Frank had paused the movie on this particular scene, I watched him rise out of his chair and close the curtains, to which I sniggered like an immature school boy... An experienced one. I was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a female shouting out her window, I look to the right to see Michelle's date running out of her house in his underwear, too much for him to handle I'd imagine. I look at the clock and notice its 1:30 in the morning, I have to be up early, Seth wants me in with him for a little trip out of town to visit a friend of his. I slide back into my duvet and stare up at the ceiling: "I'll be with you one day" My eyes close, and I slowly drift into another world.

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