Translate   12 years ago

Memories You and I walk along the chore as I remember how we use to go on tours. You on drums, I sing the songs and our friends doing the rest of all. We use to rock on stage in front of a crowd shout our names. When we started the band we travelled to every city in our homeland. As the time went by you wondered why. Why we chose that name, it was stupid and it was lame, just like we band members when still rollercoasters made us ill. The songs we played were written by the boy on base named Chase. He was gifted with his words as he later remember as the worst. When our band got many fans we took the chance and travelled to different lands. First we did tour in Europe and it went fine, but back in Japan we got even more fans. In the very big capital Tokyo they called us big in Japan but when we travelled to United States they didn’t like our taste. Back home after the long world tour we all did the same thing. Settled down and married the long loved one.

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