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3. Kingdom of Lanterns (Continuation) Chapter 5 The thugs that I knocked came to, got to their feet and rubbed their heads. 'Please don't sing, please don't sing' I thought to myself. 'I'm malicious, mean and scary' Hook Hand sang. Oh God... I'm going to be stuck here for awhile. 'My sneer could curdle dairy.' He moved aside and showed me a drawn outline of a dead ruffian. On top of his head was an axe. 'And violence-wise, my hands are not the cleanest.' Hook Hand walked over to Rapunzel and led her aside. 'But despite my evil look, and my temper and my hook.' He grabbed a ruffian and tossed him aside. I snickered when I heard a crash. 'I've always yearned to be a concert pianist.' From a corner, a thug switched on the lights. Hook Hand sat on a stool and was playing the piano... Fairly well actually. 'Can't you see me on the stage performing Mozart?' He began to play really quickly. 'Tickling the ivories till they gleam.' Then he played so fast, that some of the piano keys flew everywhere. Rapunzel used her frying pan to block them. One of the keys bounced off the pan and hit me. I grunted and rubbed my head. 'Yep, I'd rather be called deadly for my killer show tune medley.' he continued to play the piano. 'Because way down deep inside, I've got a dream.' I turned my head and saw the other ruffians and thugs were now breaking into song. Behind them, it is clear that Flynn was the only one who wasn't enjoying this. While they were breaking out in song, from the corner of my eye, even the rats seemed to be enjoying this. Pascal was also looking at them oddly. I walked over to the bar and grabbed a bottle of ale. I popped the cork off and began to drink. I felt a large hand pat me on the shoulder, causing me to do a spit take. It was the ruffian that was tossed aside. And this one has a very big nose. 'I've got scars and lumps and bruises' 'Plus something here that oozes' I brought the bottle back to my mouth and continued to drink. 'And lets not mention my complexion.' It then became clear to me that I'll never get drunk no matter how much I drink. I put the bottle down on the counter and faced him. I then used deduction on him... With song. 'But despite your extra toes.' 'Your goiter, and your nose.' I walked over to a vase and picked up a white flower. 'You really want to make a love connection' I sang as I made my way over to Rapunzel and tucked the flower behind her hair. As I walked away, she smiled and placed a hand over her heart. 'I can see you with a special little lady.' 'Rowing in a rowboat down the stream.' 'Though you're one disgusting blighter' 'You're a lover and not a fighter.' 'Because way down deep inside you've got a dream.' 'I've got a dream' Big Nose sang. 'He's got a dream' the others sang. 'I've got a dream.' 'He's got a dream.' 'And I know one day romance will reign supreme.' Big Nose approached a ruffian drinking ale. 'Though my face leaves people screaming.' The ruffian did a spit take. 'There's a child behind it dreaming.' 'Like everybody else, I've got a dream.' A ruffian flipped a helmet upside down and using it as a vase, he piled some some leaves, skulls, flowers, and a rat into it. 'Thor would like to quit and be a florist' someone sang. A thug stood by a painting of a depressed puppy. 'Gunther does interior design.' A mime approached the still exasperated Flynn 'Ulf is into mime.' I was sitting on a counter eating a cupcake that a ruffian that I recognized had made. 'Attila's cupcakes are sublime' someone else sang. 'Bruiser knits, Killer sews, Fang does little puppet shows.' Hook Hand stood in front of the really large ruffian. 'And Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns.' Vladimir smiled proudly at the two tiny glass unicorns he had in his fingers. "What about you?" Hook Hand asked as he, the ruffians, and thugs backed me against a wall. "Wait, me?" I asked a little nervously. "Yes you" Hook Hand said. "What's your dream?" Big Nose asked. I eyed the swords sheathed on their belts. Not wanting them to draw them, I did what had to be done. 'I have dreams like you and really Its as touchy-feely' I sang as music began. 'It takes place out there where its filled with gleam .' 'Its not something I would share But why should I even care? My dream is to help fulfill someone else's dream.' "You can't be serious" Flynn groaned. The music suddenly stopped and all eyes turned to him, including mine. "Oh he's serious all right" Hook Hand said as he and the others approached him. "Its only fair. We said our dreams, he said his, and now its your turn." "I'm sorry, mine?" He asked. "What's your dream?" Big Nose asked as he unhooked Flynn and placed him on the floor. "No, no, no, sorry boys. I don't sing." The thugs and ruffians aimed their swords at him. 'I have dreams like you' he sang as he danced on a table. 'No really Just much less touchy-feely.' 'They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny' he walked over to Vladimir and took one of the unicorns out of his grasp. Vladimir looked at him grumpily as Flynn moved away. 'On an island that I own' he sang as he placed the unicorn on a pile of dirt in a small cauldron while lying sideways on the floor. 'Tanned and rested and alone.' I yanked him away from the cauldron and shoved him into the arms of the ruffians. 'Surrounded by enormous piles of money' he continued to sing before being tossed in the air. 'I've got a dream' Rapunzel sang. 'She's got a dream' the patrons sang. 'I've got a dream.' 'She's got a dream.' 'I just want to see the floating lanterns gleam.' The patrons cheered and raised their mugs in the air. A patron shoved a mug of ale into my hands. 'And with every passing hour, I'm so glad I left my tower.' 'Like all you lovely folks, I got a dream.' I gulped down my ale and slammed the mug on the counter table. 'She's got a dream' I sang as I slid it across the table. 'He's got a dream' a thug sang as he picked up the mug and filled it with ale. He slammed it back on the table and slid it back to me. 'They've got a dream' the patrons sang in unison. 'We've got a dream.' 'So our differences ain't really that extreme.' I picked up a dagger and threw it in the center of a shield hanging from the ceiling. 'We're one big team.' I watched as several other knives and daggers plunged into the same shield. 'Call us brutal' a thug sang as he lifted me up by my vest. 'Sick' another sang. 'Sadistic.' 'And grotesquely optimistic.' 'Because way down deep inside, we got a dream.' The thug holding me pointed to Flynn who was trying to balance himself on a rolling barrel. I watched the barrel roll down the aisle while the patrons on either sides, were tossing and catching lit torches. I was relieved that he didn't get burned. 'I've got a dream' I sang before the thug tossed me in the air. I hung onto a chandelier along with three other patrons. 'I've got a dream' another sang. 'I've got a dream.' 'I've got a dream.' The line went on like an acapella. From above, I watched a patron do numerous flips until he crashed through the window. I dropped down from the chandelier and turned my head. I saw Rapunzel walking down the pub arm in arm with Big Nose and Hook Hand on either side of her. I picked up a bottle from a table and began to shake it as we all sang the last part in unison. 'Yes, way down deep inside, I've got a dream.' I popped the cork off the bottle and watched it cascade over Rapunzel's head like a rainbow as she stood on a table with other patrons surrounding her, holding the last note. When the note ended, the last drop of ale fell on the floor and the patrons raised their mugs in the air and cheered loudly. The door crashed open, surprising me. "I found the guards!" Greno shouted. I dropped the bottle and quickly hopped over the counter. I leaned against it and tried my best to stay calm. I shut my eyes tightly and felt movement. I opened my eyes a little and saw Rapunzel on my right, with Pascal on her shoulder. Flynn was huddled somewhat close to me on my left. "Where's Rider? And that man that helped him escape?" The Captain asked. "I know they're in here somewhere" he said as he picked up a sword. "Find them." He approached the counter. "If you have to... Turn the whole place upside down!" He slammed the sword on the counter so hard, the blade stabbed through the wood, almost stabbing me in the genitals. I let out a really hoarse cry. Flynn and Rapunzel were both about to cry out but I cupped my hands over their mouths. Once I heard their cries escape through my hands, I released them. A hook was then placed on Flynn. We turned our heads and saw Hook Hand. He then gestured us to follow him. He led us to a passage and opened it. "Go" he said. "Live your dream" he said. "I will" Flynn said with a smile on his face. "Your dream stinks" he said. "I was talking to the girl and the guy next to you" he said to him with a glare. I stifled a laugh and climbed through the passage with Flynn following close by with an annoyed look on his face. "Thanks for everything" Rapunzel said as she gave Hook Hand a kiss on the cheek. The ruffian blushed as Rapunzel crawled through the passage. When we were far enough, Hook Hand closed the passage. Chapter 6 I cried out when I almost stepped on a corpse. I spotted a circular lantern next to him. I bent down and searched his pockets and found a box of matches. I shook it and heard some rattling inside. "Haha! Jackpot!" I cried out with glee. I opened the matchbox and pulled out a match. I struck it against the cave wall and after lighting it, I lit the lantern and a nearby unlit torch. I handed the lantern to Flynn and picked up the torch. "Now that's better" I said with a smile. The three of us trekked through the passage. "Well, I've got to say" Flynn said as we walked last a corpse impaled to a wall with a sword. "I didn't know that you had that in you back there. That was pretty impressive." "I know!" Rapunzel shouted with excitement. "I know" she said calmly. She glanced behind her and saw that I was still holding the lit torch and was wearing a smile on my face. "Cale, where are you from?" She asked. "Oh... Haha" I said nervously. "As much as I would like to talk about my backstory, I don't even know where to begin because a lot happened." Rapunzel shrugged and walked a little closer to Flynn. "So... Flynn, where are you from?" She asked. "Whoa whoa" he said, surprised. "Sorry Blondie, I don't do backstory. But I am however becoming very interested in yours." Even though their backs was facing me, I still could tell what they had in mind. "Just don't mention the hair and the mother. And I wonder why you're scared to ask about the chameleon" I said. The two stopped walking and turned to face me. "I said too much didn't I?" I asked. "That's not it" Flynn said surprised. "But you knew what we were thinking. How did you do that?" He asked. I laughed nervously and hung the torch on a wall. "Yeah... About that..." Some rubble began to fall on my head. "What the--?" I asked as I looked up. From the corner of my eye, I saw fire. I turned my head and saw the shadows of the Captain and the royal guards. "Time to go!" I shouted as I ran past the two. I ran through the cave and found myself in a canyon with a dam behind me. I glanced down and saw a ladder but not only was the ledge steep, but I got a hell of a run to get to a nearby cave. I turned around and began to climb down the ladder as quickly as I could. When I reached the bottom, I turned around. But before I could begin my run, a Shadower stood three feet in front of me with his arms crossed. Shit... The Shadower charged at me and began to throw a few punches at me. I blocked most of of them and took a few hits. "Where is it?" He asked, before sweeping me to the ground. "Where is what?" I asked as I rolled to the side before he could stomp on me. I got to my feet and blocked another punch. The Shadower whipped out the dagger. "You know damn well what" he said as he held it with the blade facing down. He charged at me once more. I sidestepped, grasped his arm, and made him stab himself in the chest. "Sorry, I don't" I said. I grasped the sides of his head and turned it sharply to the left. I them shoved the body to the ground and watched the weapon and the body disappear in black aura. At the exact same time, Flynn and Rapunzel ran over to the ledge. "Are you ok, Cale?" Rapunzel asked. "I'm fine!" I called out to her from the bottom of the ledge. I heard some thudding noises. When I turned my head, I saw two thieves wielding swords emerge from a mine. Both were large and muscular, one had an eyepatch, and the other didn't. I deduced they were brothers. Lucky for me, they were far away. 'Don't remember seeing them' I thought to myself. From above me, I saw Rapunzel's hair wrap around a beam. She then swung herself from the ledge I was previously standing on and landed on another ledge. I turned my head and saw the two thieves charging at me. I stared at them, then turned my gaze to the mine, then I quickly glanced up behind me. I turned my focus back to the thieves, closed my eyes and waited. I heard their footsteps and yells approaching. 'Come on' I thought to myself. There was a loud clanging sound. I opened my eyes and dove for the frying pan. I blocked the first strike with it, and struck the pan across the face of the thief with the eyepatch. I sidestepped the attack of the second thief, knocked the sword out if his head and hit him on the head a few times before running off. I turned my head and saw the thieves getting up. "Damn, I didn't hit them hard enough" I said to myself. I stopped and turned around. I saw Flynn swing across the gorge using Rapunzel's hair, barely colliding with the thieves. "Ha!" He laughed. "You should see your faces because you look...." He crashed into a beam. "Ridiculous" he gasped. I glanced down and saw the thieves running towards me. "Shit" I gasped. I turned around and began to make my way for the mine, still gripping the pan tightly. I then heard various loud noises. Turning my head quickly, I saw the dam breaking and a tidal wave of water began crashing down with Flynn, and Rapunzel following close behind. I saw Pascal perched on Rapunzel's shoulder while the the other two held a bundle of Rapunzel's hair in their arms. I continued to run and eventually made it into the mine along with Flynn, Rapunzel, and Pascal. The danger however was not over yet. A large pillar of stone fell and blocked the entrance while massive amounts of water began pouring in. I turned around to run, but I collided into some rocks. I ran my hand across the stones. Feeling the water rise, I found footing and stood on it. Flynn inhaled and dove into the water to find a way out. Flynn popped out of the water to exhale and dove back in. I handed Rapunzel her pan while I continued to find a way out. I began to ram myself into the stone walls. "Damn it.." I muttered. I took a step back and ran past her, ramming myself into the stone wall as hard as I could. A loud thud and a slight crack was heard and I cried out in pain. I staggered back and brought my right arm close to my chest. Rapunzel stared at me worriedly. Flynn popped out of the water and breathed heavily. "I can't move my arm... I think I dislocated it" I winced. Flynn began to ram himself against the stones. As he tried to pry them out, he cut his hand on one of them. Rapunzel gave him the same worried expression she gave me when he saw him cry out and grasp his hand. Despite the wound, Flynn was still determined to find a way out. He dove down into the water but returned to surface seconds later. "It's no use" he panted. "I can't see anything." "Let me see" Rapunzel said. Pascal got off her shoulder and perched on the stone wall. As soon as she felt her pet climb off, she dove into the water. Flynn quickly dove in after her, leaving me and Pascal on the surface for a moment. The two quickly rose to the surface. "Hey, there's no point" Flynn said. "It's pitch black down there." He sounded sorry. I saw that the flower I tucked into her hair was now gone. It must've fallen out when she dove into the water. As the rising water settled, I shifted against the wall and winced in pain from my broken arm. "This is all my fault" Rapunzel said in a dejected tone. She was now on the verge of crying. "I'm so sorry Cale for talking you into this" she cried. "Don't worry about it" I said comfortingly as I shifted again. Rapunzel sniffled and turned to Flynn. "And Flynn.... I'm so sorry too." She buried her face into her hands and cried. Flynn glanced down and stared. I turned my head slightly to him. "Your name isn't 'Flynn Rider', right?" I asked as I read the look on his face. Flynn nodded slowly and sighed. "Eugene" he corrected. "What?" Rapunzel asked as she looked at him. "My real name is Eugene Fitzherbert... Someone might as well know." I sighed too and stared at my dim and darkened reflection on the water. "Cale is my nickname" I said. "What?" Eugene and Rapunzel asked. "I took four letters from my real name and shifted them to Cale because well, I didn't want to get picked on." "What's your real name?" Rapunzel asked. "Chandler" I said. "My full name is Chandler Robin McManus. Someone might as well know too." Rapunzel sniffled. "I have magic hair that glows when I sing" she said. "What?" Eugene and I asked at the same time. Rapunzel quickly became excited. "I have magic hair that glows when I sing!" She then started to sing a certain song just as the water started rising again. 'Flower gleam and glow... Let your power shine.' The three of us inhaled as the cave fully flooded. Next to me, Rapunzel's hair illuminated the abyss. When Eugene saw this, he cried out even though he was under water. My eyes followed the trail of hair and spotted a large cluster of rocks below. Keeping my injured arm close to my chest, I struggled to swim over to them. Eugene, Pascal and Rapunzel saw what I was trying to swim to and swam over. I reluctantly removed my arm from my chest and tried swimming. I cried out in pain as I did so. Once I was close to Eugene and Rapunzel, I pressed my arm close to my chest again. I watched as Eugene began to move the rocks aside, creating an opening, and a waterfall. The four of us poured out of the cave along with the current and down a stream. I grabbed onto some grass and hauled myself out of the water. I coughed out some water and breathed heavily. Soon, Rapunzel, Eugene, and Pascal joined me, coughing as gasping as well. "Glad you guys made it" I said as I sat on a rock. "Her hair glows" Eugene gasped. "We're alive. I'm alive!" Rapunzel said happily. I noticed that they still have the frying pan with them. She grabbed said pan and climbed out of the stream. "I didn't see that coming" Eugene said as he remained in the water. Pascal was looking at him oddly. "Eugene?" Rapunzel asked. "Her hair actually glows" he said almost panicking, and looking at Pascal. "Eugene!" Rapunzel called, trying to get his attention. "Why does her hair glow?!" he asked, now in hysteria. "Eugene!" Rapunzel called once more. "What?!" He asked, still in hysterics. "It doesn't just glow" she said as she used her hair to make a cast and a sling for my right arm. Pascal glanced at Eugene and smiled smugly. "Why is the frog smiling at me?" He asked nervously.

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