Traducciones   12 años

#dearfriends I am not an only child i. Have 2 sisters and 1 brother my older sister has a diffrent mum but the same dad my other. Sister has the same mum but not the same dad and it just happend to be that me and my brother have the same mum and dad ( i dont really mind ) . My #life is not great i dont have a mum or a dad .my dad is forever in jail i see him one week the next week he is locked behind bars well he dosent tell us ( me my brother and my older sister ) he lies to us saying he is going to build a house but we have heard that many times but we know were he is . He dosent show love he shows it though material such as ps3 phones stuff like that not from the heart . Well i dont care in a way he is a shit dad selling illigal stuff and getting caught but he never learnt his lesson . Where as my mum well there is really nothing i can do she is suffering from a brain tumar in hospital for 4 years .. I cry my eyes out sometimes thinking about her i have know one i have know one to talk to about girlie stuff nothing only my anutie who are there for me the rest of my family are ass holes i hate them they dont even call to see if me and my brother and sister is ok they dont do nothing they dont give a fuck about us but i dont give a fuck bout them

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