Intro I think it's safe to say that #life is quite an odd thing. It's quite interesting how we go about living, how our lives play out, how they work out in the end. Have you ever say down, thought about that? How'd you get where you are right now? What happened in your #life that made you end up there? What is the one thing you'd change in your #life? Think carefully because it'll change where you are this very moment. So, back to acknowledging that #life is a strange thing. We get it right? Now think about your #life and how YOUR want to steer it, how it's gone in the past. Okay. That's some daily food for thought. Now a real introduction... My names Foster. As my bio says, I'm a writer, but I think storyteller does better justice. And here, I'm going to tell you my story, from the last days of summer, to my days in school and everything in between. Dates, friends, fights, whatever it may be. So stick around for a bit. Enjoy the tales of a wise fool who's playing by his own rules.

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