übersetzen   12 Jahre

Living With The Devil " lamia , lamia" screeched my mother on the top of her voice. I looked up at my two sisters , whose eyes were focusing on the tv, purposely trying to avoid eye contact. For both sisters knew what time it were, the silence was like a thick smoke lurking around the room chocking the words that needed to be said, as I took a deep breath in another loud screech broke the first. "lamia, lamia" but this time it wasn't my mum but my dad, who stood over 6 ft tall and overlooked everyone, he had grey eyes that sucked the soul out of anyone stood near him, his tone had changed to a rather agitated vicious snap. At the time I was only young not old enough to understand any thing that went on in this house. But it was that night when my mum had shouted me that something had changed. So as usual I put the cloths on that my mum laid out on the table, it was nothing fancy but it was torn and had seen better days but I had to wear it everyday since what I could remember from passed 8 o'clock I had the torn mucky cloths I have had to wear for many months. As I had gone to put the clothing on it had changed it wasn't the same the clothes were a very short mini skirt that you could see my bum, but mum said I was not allowed to moan for she had spent a lot of money on clothes for me not to moan. But she had also insisted that I had better not wear knickers for it shall turn the men away. But at the time I was confused for if some one loved you why would they hurt you and make you do things like this. I also had to wear a short top that came to just under Neath my boobs but I had to wear it. "Lamia, lamia" my name was shouted again. I ran as fast as I could to the room were my mum would tie me down, she would tie my to a bed were a couldn't escape the reality I was living in and facing. As I was dreading the men that would walk through that door I had nearly noticed my dad stood next to me, he was fully naked and had a pointer (as I call them because they point up words) most men that came in had these pointers and some were long some were short and no matter what kind that they were they all looked the same to me. I was suddenly scared as my dad had grabbed my hair and lie on top of me, I was confused had my dad turned into one of them other men ? I questioned my self but he did something they had not he had untied my legs then tied them round my head as he had opened up my legs and inserted the pointer it hurt and after dad had done he pee peed in my tummy it felt horrible and I didn't know what it was, he let out a sigh of relief as he did it, after that was over I had tears running down my face as my mum walked in and said to me " get a grip you should be thanking me because I'm the one that managed this to feed you all some dinner" and then she went over to my dad and slapped him across the face and said "you didn't even wait, I now need £150" If you want more from this please give me a review and tell me if I should carry on also sorry for not posting in a while xoxox

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