The House Fire Mystery I woke up in flames smoke and suffocation. Sirens were echoing outside that was enough to wake a skeleton up. A man leaned over me handing me a inhaler.I closed my eyes as I was carried out to my family on the London street. I could tell my parents were worried sweating and crying was enough hints for me. I was lifted into a vehicle probably a ambulance. Once again I closed my eyes allowing the smoke to go through my body. I did want to live but it is hard to have a positive answer when you get bullied 50 times a day. 5 days after the fire I moved to Scotland with my mum and dad. They thought it was safer well they were wrong. Being spat at and accused of having a different accent isn't nice. The day after we moved the police from London returned with some news. A small bald police man showed me a picture of the criminal who started the fire. I asked in a worried voice "have you caught him?" The police man frowned and said "No he is a master cr..." the officer was shook back by a brick followed by a rock flying through the window. A tattooed face with a few scars appeared. the police took out a taser and shocked him. He was handcuffed after he swore and kicked the door open. "What do you know!?" Shouted the officer. "It's Jason Declan" screamed the crinmal . There was silence which lasted for 5 minutes. We all looked at the next door house.
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