Fear Of The Always Known She hadn't write in days. As She laid there this evening her body wanted to rest yet her mind was restless. Like a pregnant woman expecting for months, she was ready to birth her greatest story yet . However inspiration failed her. All her thoughts were gone, like they were hiding in a secret place. Like a toddler playing hide and seek. Refusing to be found. These fracas in her head made it almost impossible for her to concentrate. She had always being like the wind, calm and free. Solitude had always being her best friend which is why whenever she tried to embrace something else, she came up deceived. She couldn't loose her most precious gift. Writing was her passion, it was the only way she knew how to express herself. The only way she knew how to make the world stop! And listen. There was it slipping out of her hands. Her finger frozen on the keyboard, her mind was taking hundreds of directions at once. Like these lost souls which never find peace. She felt this rage making its way to the top, wanting to burst out. This feeling she would get each time she felt powerless in a situation. It was mix with fear. This fear if loosing her own self, because writing wasn't just some extension if herself, a simple hobby, juvenile phrase. It was who she never....

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