Translate   12 years ago

Abandon Darkness prickled the edge of her vision. She started seeing only shapes and colors. Everything was slowly but surely turning black. She continued to feel the blood run down her hand, hot against her cold skin. The witch's chanting turned into noise in her ears. She had a weird feeling of detachment. She no longer felt the pain, only the cold, surrounding her, covering her and paralyzing her limbs. She always wondered what it would feel like. Feeling the blood drained from her veins. She thought she understood a little why vampire victims didn't do much screaming and fighting after they loss some of the blood, during the original shock from the bite. It was a peaceful, almost serene state of mind. She was the spectator of her own tragedy and she felt something romantic in the flowing of her red blood. Se couldn't see it, but she closed her eyes, imagining how red must it look on her white skin. A voice started talking in her mind but she ignored it. It was familiar, she knew she heard it before, but she didn't care. She was to lost in contemplating her death. Then she felt it. A sharp pain in her chest. The feeling that someone was trying to break trough her and she screamed with all her remaining strength. The last thing she heard was a low cry of her name "Cassie!", that seamed to come from another time and place. "Aidan" she whispered bitterly, then surrendered to the cold darkness she could no longer resist. ~ Part of a novel I am currently writing. Any opinion is welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

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