Translate   11 years ago

A Taster Of Starship Elephantprise In the vast nothingness of space a small but mighty ship sailed through the unknown. The ships destination was set for Gaerderion in the Dreams cluster. The ship was known as Starship Elephantprise, Passenger count: 37253.5 Destination: Gaerderion Captains name: Ruth Dreadereion the 69th. The Starship Elephantprise was named after Ruth Dreadereion the 37th's pet pygmy elephant. If they were to succeed they must seduce the minds of the space penguins, their esteemed ultimate overlord general sergent!! PENGUIN ALEX 3rd! And his small minded pesty survant.... zach..... To surpass this force of evil they must travel to the frozen wasteland's that are more commonly know as margaret!! To do nothing more than go for a spot of fishing!...

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