bucket list i want you to smile and laugh at me, i want you to wrap your arms around me, i want to teach you how to do something, i want to have a water fight with you and tip ice cold water down your back, i want to sit in a cafe with you overlooking a beach, i want to sit with you in class and sketch in our textbooks, i want you to be the only one that can touch my wrists without me cringing away, i want you to say good morning to me, even when it's at midnight, i want you to hold my hands as i fall asleep, i want you to sing to me no matter how bad you think it is, i want to love songs and bands with you, i want to steal your popcorn at the cinema and watch your face as i pretend to eat it, i want you to ache for my voice like i do yours, i want you to need a cuddle from me when you're sad, i want you to need a cuddle from me when you're not sad, i want you to start conversations, i want you to tangle our legs as we read together in separate chairs, pulling us closer, i want to trace the lines on your hands, i want to map your shoulder-blades as though they are delicate paper, i want you to intertwine our fingers as we climb trees, i want you to touch our noses as we shake the branches by accident, i want you to be in wonder of the tiny leaves spiralling to the soft ground, i want you to stare at me when we leap back onto that ground again, and i want you to care that i scratched myself on the bark, i want you to stand on my feet so that you're tall enough to connect our lips, i want you to fall in love with me. i want you, but you don't want me. h.b

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