Tradurre   12 anni fa

Interpret At Your Own Leisure Your eyes sea green, Though I've never seen, Their glance up close. The eyes of a ghost, Prickle my neck, And heck, Your voice is beautiful. Your genuine smile, I've not seen in a while. Not that it's not there, But that I can't stare, At you, But I do, Believe that you can stare at me. Our awkward glances, All the chances, We have to speak, Begin to leak, Through the floor, I wanted more, Of your soft music. I listen intently, But you've never met me. I know the way, You say goodbye each day, But with every hour, I build a tower, Of never saying it back to you. Of all the things, We could do if wings, Existed, Persisted, To carry us away, From every single day, That didn't go our way. But that would be cheating, Birds fleeting, Into the sky, Without a single goodbye. But as I stand on the coast, I miss you the most, My tiny bird without wings.

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