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Anything, To Make You Happy Memories of those calm chill summer nights, wasting time and #life away with you in an endless drive to nowhere. No responsibilities. Just living our teenage years to the fullest while forgetting to take #life seriously, bumming around in a beat up car we basically called home. Those times I'll never forget, you'll always be my best friend. I'd marry you just to make sure nobody could hurt you ever again. Of course, to me you're still just a silly boy and in our world cooties still exist. I'll never forget the time you saved my ass and pretended to be my boyfriend; that was the first time we've ever held hands. Awkward? Very. You're like the brother I've never had. After that we didn't speak for months. I can't quite recall who initiated conversation again, but it was as if we had never stopped talking. I remember you telling me that someday you wanted to leave everything behind and aimlessly explore Europe, carefree living #life to its fullest. When I said Would miss you, you didn't think twice to offer to let me tag along. Of course, time goes by and things chance. I work full time in an occupation I never imagined I'd be working in, and you managed to move yourself hundreds of miles away and persue a college degree. Sometimes it feels like you moved just to see if I'd follow, or maybe perhaps it was a test to show yourself that I'd forget you and move on with my #life like so many others have done to you... Of course, I never forgot you. You're my best friend. <3 And we'll always share a bond no matter what. After all, you're the one who always caught me when I fell hardest and saved my #life. For you, anything. Anything to make you happy.

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