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Dragons and Jewels IV ~It Begins~ Ashton's eyes widened in surprise, "But, Louise, you can't just—" "Thanks Doc!" Louise grinned and took the blanketed basket out of the drawer, dropping the water jewel in and running off. "LOUISE!" Ashton called, his voice filled with anxiety. "Don't worry, Doc! I'll take care of 'em!" Louise called in reply as she ran down the dirt road. Louise opened the small blue door to her house and ran upstairs happily. She packed her bag full to the brim and gathered her caretaker equipment. Louise replaced her T-shirt with a white tank top and changed into some torn up jeans. She put on her red jacket and began to get her equipment on. Louise started with her forearm equipment, a mechanical band that went from her wrist to her elbow. She rolled up her sleeve and put it on. The gadget locked on to her arm tightly. She typed her code into it and it showed her name on a small, rectangular, blue screen. Louise rolled down her sleeve and went for the shin guards. Another thick, mechanical piece of equipment. She rolled up the one leg of denim and placed them both on her legs. They went from her ankles to her knees. They locked on tightly and she typed in the same code and they reacted the same way. The last piece of equipment: the brace. Similar to a choker the mechanical piece of equipment it goes around the neck tightly. Louise put the brace on securely and typed in the same code and it reacted accordingly. Louise rolled down her jean leg and grabbed her jewel strap. A leather belt type piece of equipment that wraps around the waist and over the shoulder having pockets to put jewels in. She put it on and placed the jewels in it carefully. Louise had placed all the jewels in her jewel strap but the water jewel. She stopped as she grabbed it and examined it carefully. "What's your name?" She muttered softly squinting at the bright blue gem. A mist came over it and she stared confused. She looked at it, puzzled. Louise thought about her studies and tossed it lightly in the air but before it dropped back to her hand a baby water dragon replaced the jewel and hovered in the mist having trouble staying in the air. "I-I got you…" Louise said softly and cupped her hands under it. The dragon dropped suddenly, relieved of it's efforts. She smiled softly looking at the dragon. It had a small fat body like a bean bag with limbs. Small limbs really. They were more like just hands and feet. It had big, happy eyes and she could swear that it was smiling at her. It had floppy, blue ears like a bunny but they weren't furry and he had a yellow diamond on his forehead. Louise moved her hands so she could hold it properly kind of like a puppy. The dragon had a stubby tail and it's wings were small and came out of his back as a slightly darker blue than his skin then turned into a dark blue. "We'll aren't you pretty?…" Louise said with a smile. "What's your name?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows. The dragon coughed out a cloud of mist that spelled out 'Lymphae'. Louise read it and waved the mist away with her hand. "Cool. Could you turn into a jewel again?" She asked happily. Lymphae coughed another word that read 'snap'. Louise paused and looked at her fingers. She glanced at Lymphae and snapped as he turned into a jewel and fell but luckily enough Louise caught it. "Awesome..." She muttered and put Lymphae in her jewel strap. She grabbed her bag and headed out the door with a note on the table towards her mom and walked towards the lab. Louise slipped a note under the lab door that read 'They're not your very own and I promise I'll take care of them. See you in two months, Doc! — Louise Brie Arian P.S. Don't forget me!'

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