Love? Falling in love is one of the best sensations but when the other person doesnt love you, and your love is almost impossible is when #life hurts, watching that person almost every day, hearing his voice,his laughts realizing that one day was on front of me,laughting and talking of things i said, but here is where #life hurts, you expected he will talk to you again, you would talk and laugh as the old times, but this boy haas dissappear, you didnt see him in 3 days. On friday you see him eith the expects to talk again but he simply ignores you and dont look at you,but we knows you are there,after one day you go to the park eith your dog, he was there i said hello to him vut he go,after 5 min he passed through were i was but he still keep a space between us,my dog started to run were he was i went to catch him with the expect that he talked to me with almost one word, but those expects were just a thought, it mever happen,he go away from me with no reason,I havent said anithing to him that hurt him, nothing i thought we will became "best friends" but those friends doesnt exist,the world is full of Stupid people that all they want is to break the heart to someone, so my advice to every one is not to fall in love easly, because he or she can destroy that "realationship" in one second...
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