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Soul Of A. Captive. Chapter 8- I sat in that small, cold room waiting for the officer to come and let me go. I knew they would ask me for my statement but all I could think about was losing Danny, What would I do without him? I sat with my head in my hands on the cold metal table that was placed in front of me. The more I thought about losing him, the more my eyes watered, how was i going to deal with losing him? The door swung open snapping me out of my thoughts, I lifted my head out of my hands to see the officer sitting down in front of me. He put his notepad and pen onto the table all while keeping a straight face, how could he be so calm when my world is falling apart. He crossed his hands in front of him and stared at me as he spoke. "Tell me everything. Starting from when he abducted you." The officer stated. I flinched at his tone and the use of the word 'abducted' I wasn't 'abducted, I could of left if I wanted to. The officer forced a cough suggesting that I start speaking. I looked at the table and started my story. "..then you showed up and took me away from him!" I cried at the end of my story. The officer shook his head and then began to speak. "Thank you for your statement. Your family will be here to pick you up shortly." He nodded at me and began to get up to leave. " I don't want to go home, I want to stay with Danny, I need him." I sobbed. The officer shook his head again, sighed, then sat back down. "Listen to me Natasha, Danny is a bad man, he has killed girls like you before, you weren't safe with him." He stated like it was a fact. It wasn't true I was safe with him, he loves me. When I didn't reply the officer shook his head in aspiration and left. I was once again sat in this empty room with just my thoughts to accompany me. After what seemed like a decade the door opened slowly, as if pushed by a infant, to revel my mother. She stood by the open door with her mouth hanging open and tears pooling her eyes. I should be welling up seeing my mother for the first time in 18 months but I was numb, all I could think about was how I've lost Danny. She ran to me and flung her arms around me in what I suspect was a hug but it didn't feel safe or warm like Danny's did, I sighed and stood up to return the hug. She pulled away and looked at me with wide eyes as if she was seeing if I was really me. She smiled took my hand and started leading me out of the station. As we walked through the station all the officers were saying goodbye, I nodded at them in return. As we got to the entrance I stopped and turned around to look around the station, all I saw was men in uniform, I sighed and began walking out. My mum led me towards a blue BMW five series, it was shining and probably brand new. She took me round to the passengers side opened the door and let go of my hand to allow me to climb in. (she must think I'm incapable of doing anything for myself) I fastened my self in and watched as my mother got in the drivers side and started the car. I took a deep breath to steady my heart beat and to stop my self crying. I slumped down in my seat and fall asleep, it was going to be a long drive. I woke up to a hand gently pushing me. I lifted my head of the window and rubbed my stiff neck. "Danny? Where are we?" I asked still half asleep. "Honey, we are home." My mother stated, you could hear the hurt in her voice. I nodded in response and started getting out off the car. My mother followed and then she led me into the house. The furniture looked new and it seemed that the whole house was colour schemed, black and white, how boring? As I was looking round my mother was bringing in bags of shopping. "Your room is upstairs on the left, go take a look? I will bring all your new clothes up in a bit." She announced once she had finished and closed the front door. I sighed and just nodded and made my way to my room. The upstairs was the same as downstairs, all black and white, it was like being in a silent movie. I hated it, I wanted to go home. I opened my bedroom door to see; a double bed in the middle of the room, a desk and laptop in the far corner and behind the door was a small book shelf. Luckily enough this room wasn't black and white, the wallpaper was a dark purple and the carpet was a dark pink, not my first choice of colours but at least it's better then black and white. I walked further into the room so I could sit on the bed. Just as I sat down my mother came in with four shopping bags, my new clothes, what do I need new clothes for anyway I'm not staying here. She placed the bags on the floor and started speaking. "Your closet is behind that door, it's a walk in closet. I'm going to start making dinner so just come down when you're done filling your closet." She said smiling then she walked out closing the door behind her. I looked back and fourth between the bags and the closet about five times before I sighed and started putting the clothes away. It took me just under a hour to put everything away, once I was done I rubbed my hands together in satisfaction, I shut the closet door and started making my way downstairs. I hadn't eaten for a while so the smell off food set my stomach of rumbling. I walked into the dinning room sat down and tucked into my pasta. "I'm going to go to bed now, I've had a long day." I said while yawning. "Okay sweetheart. Goodnight!" She said while kissing my cheek. I walked out off the room and up to my bedroom. I wiped away the kiss and got changed into my pyjamas. Once I was in bed all I could do was toss and turn, I couldn't stop thinking about losing Danny, every time I closed my eyes I would just see the officers taking him away. How long will I have to feel like this?

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