Traducciones   12 años

Cast: Mindy (best friend) Kaylor (main person) Jim (dad) Heather (mum) ???(stranger;main) Scene 1. The fight It's four in the morning and kaylor is fast asleep along with her family. The neighbourhood is loud being in a 24:7 London street. Teenagers are gathering on the streets chanted fight with cans of beer in ther hands, kaylors curtains are drawn but the ladders and holes make the hole fight visible. (a knock on the door occurs. Kaylor stirs and sits up) Kaylor:wha...what was that Person outsidei! Kaylor it's mindy Kaylor:hold on! (kaylor gets up and puts her dressing gowned on and goes and open the front door.) (mindy is standing outside in a long onezie) Kaylor:why aren't you dressed properly? Mindy:I was going home when that fight (she points to the chanting teenagers, they have seemed to significantly have gone down and you can see to boys pushing and punching each other)started... Can I come in? Kaylor: (exasperated) yes alright. But only till the fights over. Mindy: (stepping in) thanks Scene 2:the school morning (kaylor wakes up and sees mindy on the other couch. She also is sitting on a couch. She looks out the window and sees 2 unconscious boys on the ground, and mrs.taylor , an old woman from across the road, trying to push them away with a a broom) Kaylorshout)wake up Mindyslowly rising,)what...(she looks out the window to see the two unconscious boys)oh yeah!kaylor, is it a school day? Kaylor: (looking at watch) Mindy, we've got to go! It's 8:35, 10 minuets till school, borrow some of my cloths! Scene 3:School day Kaylors thoughts projected on over voice=ktpov Ktpov:we didn't make it to school on time (shows Kaylor and mindy barging into the form class, mindy wearing her onezie and kaylor her pj's) we kind of just abandoned the whole Idea of getting dressed ( they both sit down awkwardly, while whole class stares at them, the teacher has her back to them while scribbling something on the smartboard.) Child,ryceeh my, look at twiddle dee and twiddle dumb. Teacher:Now Rycee, that wasn't very nice (turns round, frowns)mindy and Kayleigh- Kaylor interrupting ) Kaylor not Kayleigh Teachersharp stare) ok, kaylor, and I suppose you two have a good reason for coming in this late, dressed like that? Mindy:we both woke up late (whispering to kaylor)don't worry I got this (returning to face the teacher) I slept round hers. Hymley, child 2: sleep over buddy's, are we?(pulling baby face, mocking cuteness) Teacher:Hymley! And as for you two, grab something out of lost property (rycee raises her hand) Rycee:miss if it's lost property... And property is something that belongs to people ( the teacher is nodding but isn't quite understanding where this is going) and probably doesn't belong to the pyjama bed buddy's, what happens if someone comes back to claim THEIR lost property... To make it found property, what happened if bunce and bean here, are wearing it? Teacherstuttering) Well, first I would like to say, you couldn't of been any ruder in that sentence and finally I would like to call on a a little phrase of mine that has helped me out in the past... Finders keepers, loosers weepers. Rycee: but miss when I said that- Teacher: that's enough, and you two, scam, get some proper cloths. Scene 4:the mums Children are starting to crowd round the ambulance on kaylors street, where 2 unconscious boys are being picked up. Some mums are looking at the bodies wearing track suits/old baggy dresses apart from one witch is wearing just a towel with wet hair. Mum 1, towel lady:sweet street.perfect name. Mum 2:not so sweet at all really Mum3:what a waste Mum4:there not dead, Susan Mum2h Mum1:you thought they were dead? (ambulance speeds off, children departure) Mum3embarrassed) no, where did you pull that accusation from? Mum4:just don't worry, eh, who's up for a cuppa? I got what dem posh people use, (posh voice, face tilted back)earl grey Scene 5:walking home Kaylor and mindy are walking back with dirty and unfitting uniform (tie,shirt,polo,skirt,jacked up trousers). Kaylor:I hate rycee sooooo much lately, always snitching on us! Mindy stops walking,looks hardly at kaylor) everyone snitches on us, no one likes us! Kaylor:well, rycee does it the most, to be fair. A group of kids(5 or 6 kids)i! Diddles, what you wearing? Child 1: too big for anything els. Child 2:LOL! Who d'you think you are. (the children all start laughing) Child 3:hey guys, don't be so rude, Child 3:what's got- Child 4finishing sentence, come in front of child 3, preventing him from finishing) into you Derin? Child 5(and 6 if 6 children)together) yeah Derin. (This line only comes if child 5 and six are there saying it) Child 5 &6:;(turning to each other)jinx. Child 6child five try to say double jinx, but don't finish, make sure child 6 interrupts) double jinx, (laughing) got ya. Child 5moan)com'on then, nice little Derin, (children walk off) Kaylor:there horrid... Well apart from Derin, hes nice Mindy and kaylor:I wish Derin would play with us, not them! (a person in a top hat and long black cape pushes in front of them) Person:are you sure, you wish it, because it's a very (deciphering what to say) unstable process! Kaylor: sorry we're no Kaylor:sorry I... We don't talk to strangers. Mindy:no Person:but...

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