All For Him New romance story, hope u guys like it Please share as I want lots of people to notice this story and read it. So please hit the like button and the repost button, thanks u guys Chapter 1 ~ Crushed "You asked him out?!" I asked Cesca, my Bffladfaentba (Best Friend Forever #life And Death Forever And Ever Never To Be Apart). Cesca nodded sadly, and sighed. "And he said no, I'm guessing..." She nodded slightly, and sighed again. I knew Cesca had a massive crush on Logan, and I know she's crushed now, so I decided to try and change the subject, not my strongest point... "So... This weather? How about it?" I stumbled. Lame. "Not working, Kenzie..." Cesca grumbled. I knew I wasn't the sort of person for this sort of thing. I had no idea how she felt, after all, I had never liked anyone or had a boyfriend, so... "How are you?" "Kenzie, shut up." Cesca was really down, she adored Logan. As far as I know she has liked him for about 4 years, but having your love-of-your-#life saying 'no' to you. Anyway, what did I know? "I'm going to the toilet, Kenzie," Cesca told me. I nodded and walked through the gates by myself as Cesca ran into school and presumably to the toilet. I noticed Remi, Imogen and Evie talking to Luke, Evie's brother and walked over to them. "See ya girls, take care," Luke smiled at them and dribbled his ball to the gang of boys. "Monday news?" Remi asked us excitedly. "Without Cesca?" Imogen asked her. "We'll it's about Cesca..." Remi shrugged. "How is she?" Remi turned to me. "Ummm... Love-of-her-#life said no... She's fine and getting on with her #life!" Evie grumbled sarcastically. "She's crushed," I admitted seriously an Evie nodded in a know-it-all way. "She's really sad and she barely talked on the way here, she told me to shut up." "Cesca's that bad?!" Remi gasped. "No," Imogen added sarcastically, "She's fine and happy!" "Only funny when I do it," Evie told her BFF seriously. "Let's respect her wishes then, try and get it out of her head, but respect her wishes too," Remi told us. We all nodded and started talking about random things until the bell went but Cesca didn't come back out...

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