Translate   12 years ago

Youth Youth By Aaron R. "We could play hide and seek in here!" Says the chunky, rotund youth as he ruffles his greasy hands through his thick, rich hair. The other three young ones look up in amazement at the grand scale of the hotel lobby. The smell of sweet pine engulfs their senses as they display mischievous grins from across their countenance, ear to ear. Without a care in the world they gaze upward. Unaware of the troubles and quarrels #life is ready to throw upon them, their youthful years unwind with every second. They do not notice it, for time has a conniving way of passing unnoticed - a thief in the night, a broken heart uncared for. Johnny, as he is named, scratches his thick belly beneath his warm jacket. "Hey you guys what do you think!" The others turn toward him, still gawking at the illustrious sight in front of them. "What?" Replies Richie, the slender blonde boy who perfectly resembles a heroic child from those old tales spoken throughout the ages. His appearance alone emits a radiant beam of glory, heroism, and overall superior authority amongst the gang. A "Ralph" of sorts. Johnny explains his previous question, "Hide and seek! We should play! My mom is over there checking in for our room. We have some time." He points toward the registration counter. His mother stands calmly. "I don't know. Won't we get into trouble?" These words echo from the tongue of the third companion of the youthful gang, Brett. He's quite calm. Glasses rest upon the tip of his nose, his hair neatly combed to the right side. His appearance gives away his interests. He's aware of the consequences of the previous stunts the gang has pulled off in public, one of which required the confiscation of his chemistry kit. Courtney, the skillful fourth member, gives Brett a look of shame. "Brett, nothing will go wrong. You'll be okay!" Sadie speaks with confidence. Her naturally curly hair repeatedly bugs her, but her uncaring attitude helps her care not as much as most. She follows the others and is quite strong in all her elegance. "Well I don't know-" Brett looks upward at the towering lobby they stand within. A whole new world; a brave new world. "C'mon let's play!" Johnny cannot contain his excitement any longer. The jitters of extraordinary excitement are emitting from within him. He shakes Richie in glee, to which he replies with a sinister smile to the others. "Not it!" He blurts, startling the other guests residing in their own worlds, their own concerns, unaware of the beauty of #life unfolding in front of them. Brett jumps in startlement as Johnny and Sadie repeat the famous two word statement, leaving him in lonesome fear. They skip around him in gleeful play before running up the hotel stairs to their awaiting hiding spots. Brett shrugs, shaking his head as he sits next to a rather odd looking, tall young man who had been observing the entire event unfold. The man looks over at Brett counting away, already at twenty-four. The man smiles and makes a note on his phone, "Story ideas: youthful gang play hide and seek in hotel; adolescent years are wonderful; #life is beautiful". Brett peaks his head up as he finishes counting and departs on his exquisite quest to find his friends in the enormous new world. The man smiles and watches as Brett disappears into the rush of the crowd that's begun to enter the hotel. "Youthful #life," he says, "the years we wish we had had again." Time continued onward. The birds continued to sing.

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