Translate   11 years ago

The 5 Girls And The Mystery There was a girl called Maja she lived in the woods,but still went to school.she had 4 best friends jessie,Ellie,Teela and Aleece ,but one day Maja asked" my parents are going of town for two weeks do you want to come and stay at my house?"Jessie shouted" yes yes yes yes yes"Ellie thought for a moment and bursted out loud " yes I'm finally going to Maja's house" teela calmly said "sure why not"and Aleece roared "yes I can't wait."The next day jessie,Ellie ,Teela and Aleece arrived Maja had the biggest smile on her face when they walked it jessie dropped her bags on the floor then ellie threw them in the air and with a big BANG it hit the ground like bullets,but teela and Aleece looked at each other and shook there heads and put there bags down carefully then Jessie said why don't we play something so they played hide and seek ,tag and twister,but suddenly the door went BANG "what was that?" Shouted Ellie " it probably was the wind" exclaimed Maja... The next morning Teela saw something near the window " Maja is there anyone els here?" Asked Teela hugging her pillow "no why" said Maja " oh because I thought I saw something near the window"said Teela " I need the toilet " Aleece squealed desperately wanting to go to toilet she finally got to the toilet ,but later that evening she was nowhere to be seen " where's Aleece ?" Asked Jessie looking out of the window " what's that thing over there" asked Ellie " what thing " said Teela, but it was the devil getting inside Aleece suddenly they weren't smiling anymore they were terrified however they didn't want to be killed .that wasn't

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