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The New Beginning Hello I would like to start off by saying my #life was never anything special. I was an only child and my parents were divorced. They loved me dearly but couldn't find a way to love each other. As a child I remember asking my mom why dad lived somewhere else and she would often reply "you're father and I used to get along very well when we were young but as time passed on we slowly started to drift apart and the more time went by the more we realized that what we needed wasn't each other. At that time I was pregnant with you and we both were very grateful for having you but we still couldn't go back to how we were. So we got a divorce aftery you turned three and went our separate ways. From the beginning we already knew that we weren't meant for each other but we were young and rebellious to #life. Even though your father and I are no longer together we still see you as our greatest treasure. We will always love you and always care for you even if our family is broken." Of course at that time I was still to young to understand everything she meant but over time as I grew older I started to understand what she had said. It was tough on me but after a while I adapted to it. After my 8th grade promotion I decided to go live by myself close to the school in which I was going to attend. I moved out because I didn't want to be a burden on my parents but I told them it was because there was a specific school I wanted to go to but it was far away. It took alot of convincing but they finally agreed on letting me go to crystal high because it was only about an hour away. Which brings us to where I am now, the current part of the story. I am 15 and a freshman to be yet somehow I ended up lost trying to find where I live. How pathetic, here I am eager to become a new person, make friends, enjoy #life, and show the world what I got and yet I can't even remember where I am, let alone where I live! Ugh can this day get any worse? Hmm I'll just ask someone if they know where the grove apartments are. "Excuse me sir" I tapped the of the guy who was walking in front of me. He turned around and I froze in dead silence. He was beautiful! Tall, blonde silky hair, blue eyes, perfect soft skin tone, it doesn't get any better than that, he looks even prettier than most girls. Wow what a loser I am, I called him sir because he was so tall that from behind I thought he was an adult. Now that I look at it he seems to look about the same age as me. "Yes" he said looking at me with a smile. I quickly got out of my deep thought and instantly replied " oh um uh" wow I really suck I can't even reply to him. "Um I-I was wondering if you know where the grove apartments are located. I'm new here and I seemed to have gotten myself lost." Wow this is so embarrassing. The man looked at me then smiled kindly " yes I know where the grove apartments are, would you like me to accompany you there?" Shocked I froze up yet again. Did he seriously ask to walk me home?! I couldn't have him do that he is probably a busy man. "You really don't have to" I replied " honestly you must be busy." My face was burning and I thought my heart would explode beating so fast, "no,no" he said "I insist. I live there too and I was just on my way there after stoping by to the store to get a couple of things." I looked at him for a few seconds and smiled then said "thank you, I would be very grateful if you could help me." We started walking not saying a word until we got home "thank you again. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you." "Anytime" the man replied as we went separate ways. "Wait!" I called out "I never got your name!" The man chuckled and walked off. As I walked into my new apartment I wondered who that kind man was and why he didn't tell me his name. Oh well I guess I wouldn't tell a stranger my name but still...*Crash* what was that it sounded like it was coming from the apartment next to mine. I should go see if everything is ok. I quickly but my shoes on and knock on my neighbors door. A cute little boy answered he looked to be a couple years younger than me but he was still very attractive. Wow I can't believe I just called a little boy attractive. Am I really that desperate. "Hi I'm your new neighbor Star. I herd a loud noise and I came to see if you were ok." I said with an awkward looking smile. The boy replied "Hi I'm Roy it's nice to meet you Star." Aww how cute. Roy continued with " I bet you think I'm a little boy but actually 15. I'm a freshman at crystal high academy." No way we are the same age and go to the same school. I don't believe it! Is that possible? Well I guess he does look like he could a high schooler and I don't think he is a lier. How embarrassing I was treating him like a kid "Im going to crystal high too so maybe we'll see each other around, bye" I said happily as I was leaving. Wow today has been a pretty good day for me. I got to meet two good looking guys. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door. I wonder who it is. I opened it and saw yet another hottie at my door! Luck must be on my side today! "Hey I'm your neighbor Kade I live across from you and I-" he paused. "Oh your a high schooler." What's that supposed to mean!? He continued in an uncaring voice "Whatever I'm Kade and I go to crystal high. I'm a freshman. Here's a welcome gift. Bye." He left as if it didn't even matter. How rude. If your gonna welcome a neighbor do it nicely! Besides its not like I asked for a welcoming gift anyway! He gets on my nerves. I hope I don't ever see him again... But he lives across from me. Oh well I'm gonna make some dinner, take a bath, then go to sleep because school starts tomorrow. *BEEP* *BEEP* ugh my annoying alarm clock. Time to get ready for school. That's right I almost forgot Crystal High has a uniform. Hmm it's actually pretty cute on me. I finished getting ready and left on my way to school. I barely arrived just before the bell rang. Wow this is my new school! It's beautiful like a castle. I walked into my classroom and found my assigned seat it was towards the back next to the window. Hmm I wonder who will sit next to me. Just then Kade my rude neighbor sat down next to me. "Great" he said sarcastically "I get to sit next to you." Wow what a jerk! "Like I would want to sit next to you either you big jerk!" I said angrily. He looked at me for a few seconds and then smiled "this should be fun" he said with a grin. After that the teacher did introductions and the bell rang to switch classes. I walked into my new class and found my seat once again. I hope I don't next to that jerk Kade again. On my left my other neighbor Roy sat beside me. "Hey its you! I'm so glad I get to sit next to you." He said with an adorable smile that made my heart go crazy. "Yah I'm glad to. Who would of thought that we would be on the same science class together!" After that we went to another class and I sat next to a mysterious handsome tall looking guy who I didn't talk to but his name was Salvador. Finally the last class. I walked into the classroom and the first thing I saw was the blonde guy who walked me home yesterday. There was a group of girls surrounding him so I didn't go up to him. The teacher told the class to find their seats and so we did. I passed the blonde guy to try and get a closer look at him and see if he really was the guy from yesterday. Then I quickly noticed that my name was on the desk right next to his! Omg I sit next to him! I sat down and looked at his name tag and smiled "so your name is Romeo" "Yah" he said swiftly "would you like to be my Juliet?" My heart started beating fast and my cheeks turned red. "I'm kidding. Haha it's nice to meet you." He said. "y-yah" I stuttered. Wow he must be a smooth talker, player kind of guy. The bell rang and I got my stuff and started on my way home. Today was along day but I'm glad it's over. As I was walking I saw Kade. Wow I almost. Forgot since we live near each other we walk the same way home. As I was lost in thought I realized I was crossing the street durning a red light and a car was coming toward me to rocket speed. I didn't have enough time to jump out of the way and right before being hit I was suddenly pulled back. But by who. The man quickly pulled me back and by doing so was inches away from being hit. I looked up to see who saved me. Omg it can't be! Why would he-? How did he-? I could of sworn he was way up infront of me. It was Kade. He was breathing deeply trying to catch his breath. He turned and looked at me " WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING YOU IDIOT? WHAT IF I DIDN'T GET TO YOU IN TIME? WATCH WERE YOUR GOING NEXT TIME!" I looked at him stunned and then yelled back "W-WELL IT'S NOT LIKE I ASKED YOU FOR HELP!" Why did I say that I should have said thank you. That just came out on its own. After that I got up and we walked home together with out saying a word. When we got to the apartments and we were about to go separate ways I grabbed his arm. "Um" I said blushing from embarrassment "yah" he said in a clam voice. "I wanted to say thank you for saving my #life." I looked up at him and and he looked away covering his face. He looked kind of red... Wait was he blushing?! "W-whatever" he said but I could tell he cared but just has a hard time expressing it. I smiled then walked into my home. Then I herd a crash from outside across from my house. Quickly ran to Kade's house the door was wide open and he was on the floor. "KADE!" I grabbed his upper body and put him on my knees holding his head up. "What's wrong? What happened?" He yelled "RUN, QUICKLY GO! NOW!" What does he mean? "Why? What happened?" Just then he pulled himself up to my neck then slowly licked it. W-what is he doing?! Ouch! Did he just bite me? I started to feel dizzy and then everything went black.

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