Translate   12 years ago

When you don't want to stop dreaming , Even when its dead Better than reality, For every tear I shed .. Sometimes I wish I'd just drown in my tears .., But I don't have time they just dry But then come back here .. I tie my self In knots I feel it in my throat , It makes me wanna cry Others. Just. Revoke. I have spoke a few now.. I am tired of talking .. how? I could run my mouth for days While others kept on walking ., Now I'm not even walking , It's just my lay Of my worn down voice I thought I'd never say ., Well I guess I'm just typing .. So forget it anyway , You know? I used to love writing But now it's just an excuse To explain how I feel With out being used ., So I'll just read this over a million times Picking out the flaws That I know are mine , I know I can't be perfect But I try for them ., I just end up feeling worthless But I still can play Pretend .

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