Translate   12 years ago

Charles & Willie: Chapter 2 Charles ran to the house, grabbed eggs, his guns, a canteen, milk, and his bible. He then put them In his bag, and mounted his horse before riding into the woods to get Willie and Benny before they ran into the Brudas Gang. He dashed past the river that they usually get their water from and found tracks, not from Willie or Benny but of 5 men. The tracks were old and since the hunting ground wasn't far, the Brudas Gang might have already have killed Willie and Benny. He kept pacing his horse until it was exhausted. He tied it up at a tree in a meadow. He then went back to the river to get water, when he came back he heard the sound of 2 people talking. He was betting that it was Willie and Benny. He was wrong the Brudas Gang was walking along the trail, luckily, the trail took a sharp left, veering them away from Charles. He walked slowly to his horse, untied it, mounted an headed forward. Charles knew the path and figured that Willie and Benny would head to the small cabin up ahead. When he reach it he opened the door, hoping to find them both in it, but instead, he found a cabinet full of weapons. He took knives and bullets but left the rest he then checked the next cabinet where he found canteens of water he also took those. Just before he opened the door, he heard the voices of Willie and Benny. He dashed out to find them hunting a nearby deer. He slowly walked up and suprised them. He told them what happened but they wouldn't believe him. Charles was just about to pull out the newspaper, bit then he heard the sounds of the gang he grabbed his horse and hid behind the slope ledge with the Brudas Gang above their heads.

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