Translate   12 years ago

Gone Im in deep, I'm down deeper than i thought. Why must you put me through this, why must you make me feel bad about myself? Why do you make me not want to exist and wish my father had just put a condom on that night. Why do you ruin my #life, and make me feel like a waste. Because of you drinking is all i can resort to. Im young, i should be having fun not sitting around drinking down the pain that i suffer from. Its a matter of time until i grab that 9 and put it to my head. You made me do this, you're the reason everyone doesn't want to be around me anymore, I've turned into a grouch day in and day out. I hate you, you cruel bastard all you ever did was put these things in my head, they are now controlling me and my actions. What i do, what i say all the time everyday i want the pain to just go away. So here i go......

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