Traducciones   12 años

Our Story Part 1 #ourstory "in any case it isn't important" She said distantly swirling the dress around. "cause you'll fix it anyway. You are to kind Ryan. To the point where it is dangerous. I mean sometimes it's good when you swore you hated me when I was ten but then yelled at the boy when he was saying about...the way I see it that might as well have been your fault. You were to kind to THAT man." She smirked wildly. "we should dance." she glared when he shook his head. "but they're beautiful." "lucky then" Ryan spoke up for the first time. "we get to watch. In any case I wouldn't be caught dead dancing with my little sister." she pouted and crossed her arms. "no one knows us. They won't judge you." "but they could make a mistake of how we know each other and...that would be terribly awkward." he gazed at the dancers and he had to admit they were beautiful. The whole ballroom was filled with perfectly in sync movements. "I want to be beautiful." his sister muttered under her breath in an almost pleading manor. "maybe, Grace, you already are." "you're looking for her." grace whispered softly. "YOU ARE LOOKING FOR her?! For can't abandon me again." she could feel the sobs making the way into her voice. "I didn't abandon you..." "Leaving with that bastard that claims to be YOUR father is abandonment." "my father is the kindest man in-" he heard her grit her teeth. "That's where the bruises come from. And the burns and broken bones. I was eleven. You abandoned me. " he shook his head slightly. His father would do that. "I never saw any br-" "because" she was crying now. "you weren't there. I found you three years later. And I know I'm an adult now. I know he can't hurt me now but...fuck you Ryan. FUCK YOU AND-" it was then Ryan noticed the confused man standing behind her. "sir" he addressed the newcomer with curt nod. "uh" The man stuttered. "I'm peter I came to ask your friend to dance." "Grace is my sister not my friend" Ryan regretted the words as soon as he spoke them. Peter had implied more then friend under the word, that was what he denied. "Sure Peter." She said regaining her composure and drifting into the crowd. Peter raised an eyebrow and quickly followed after. Ryan sighed aloud. As difficult as it was he needed to find Heather. She had the letters and he needed them. And a part of him-a small part wanted to see her again. Her golden moonlight hair. Her sparkling grass green eyes. Her shimmering lightly tanned skin. Her long legs. Her full lips. What he would give to hear her speak hear her laugh again. He had fallen hard. He chuckled sadly to himself. But he couldn't be with her. He had to look after Grace. Given the situation. Heather hadn't wanted to help him. She shouldn't matter then. Grace was the most important thing. Grace was the only family he had left. He couldn't lose her too. So he would find Heather get the letters. Have one last look. One last night. "is that right hun?" a seductive voice murmured behind him. Okay if you haven't seen the message you can continue on from this if you follow me taking it wherever you like. Then your followers can...and so on. So from this they'll be heaps of stories...or that's the plan  your part can be from 500-1500 words long. So yeah share that around. Tag it 'ourstory'. And please please get involved cuz it doesn't have much the same effect otherwise. Also if you can tag your line of story so they can read it. Please put what part you are writing in the title so people reading know.

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