Translate   12 years ago

He asked me "what do you think about when you can't fall asleep at night" I wish I could reply that it was he who crossed my mind. How nice it is that he never left without kissing me goodbye or how cute it was when he'd be too nervous to look me in the eye. How the thought of his smile always made me smile. And all of that is true but only for a short while. Because after that I thought about how he could never love me. How he should never love me. I don't expect him too. Because I'm as dark as the night sky while he shines brighter than the moon. Maybe if I didn't hate myself these thoughts would not be the thoughts that crossed my mind. But instead of saying all that i casually replied "I think of all the different ways that I could die" I might not have told the entire truth but at least I didn't lie.

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