Traducciones   12 años

I introduce to you "M" I introduce to you "M" M Is a person who is special to me , I love her to death and I know she loves me too . But there comes times when she can be very mean and say hurtful things. I'm going through a very stressful stage in my #life, I just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who I absolutely adore and I'm tired 90 percent of the time. I have to get use to my new #life .. I just wish SHE would understand me. People would tell me that things would get so much better between me and M as soon as my baby came and for a while it was true. M was nicer then she has ever been SHE was caring , gentle and for once I felt like things were finally going to get better. But it didn't take her long before she was back to how she was. I'm not going to sit here and act like the victim because I didn't always act like an angel towards her but I can honestly say that I have made improvements. I have tried and tried to change every single little thing that she's wanted me to change but I am not a perfect person. I mean who is ? I wish she'd understand that. Every time that I seem to improve or change something she ALWAYS adds another thing I need to change about my self it's like a list that doesn't have an end. Makes me feel so horrible about my self. Instead of her making me feel better about my self she kills my self esteem.

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