Work - Summer I had decided to stay in the land of British this year and spend my whole summer here. Purpose? Easy. To get a job, discover new things, gain new knowledge and experience and etc. Mainly is to get myself EMPLOYED. I had been applying around for summer experience placement which I admit, is extremely hard to get especially for an international student like moi-self. Not to destroy the hopes of fellow international students in getting a placement here in UK but just don't get too disappointed when the rejection letter came to your doorsteps. Rejection is normal in #life; so we gotta learn to live with it. That being said, I, myself couldn't secure a placement. So what I did was I went out searching for a part-time job instead. It was not that hard compare to before as I assume people ARE looking for an extra hand to help around. And here I am now, day TWO as a waiter in an oriental restaurant somewhere in Greater London. - End.

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