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Boys And Girls Chapter one the normal #life Deep down in the lingering, eerie woods, are two competitive enemies that stop at nothing to fight each other with every chance they get. These two enemies recruited an army so they can have a proper war with each other. the enemies only have a fight when necessary, and now is definitely necessary. "Captain....they are circling us" Jemma anounced "Yeah captain. They have taken some troops!!" Chloe confirmed "RETREAT!!! Retreat, come on troops" captain Sylvia made all the troops make their way safely back to camp, where they huddled and talked about what had happened, then took a simple register to see if every body made it. "Listen up everyone. answer yes to your names if you're here" this is what happened every time the girls and boys made it to war, for the girls, captain Sylvia read out all the names to see if any of her troops were missing. "Cleo? Has any one seen cleo?" "No captain. she was taken" everyone clasped at Mia's words. They were words that no girl wanted to hear. The troops were furious, especially Sylvia, the captain. They wanted revenge. So they got themselves prepared for war with the boys once again. they loaded their bows with arrows and made sure their make up was hiding their true identity and slivered mud on themselves so they were less visible, then the captain said "this means WAR!!!!! Meanwhile, at the boys den, sir joe was planning a party for all their hard work; capturing cleo. Joe was a small, cute boy that could get any thing he wanted with just pulling one simple face. He always planned everything and wanted to take all the credit for any genius ideas any of his 'minions' came up with. "Well done lads, we have captured the enemy" Joe announced "to celebrate, we will have a party, but be ready lads, we might have some gate crashers" joe always thought he was royalty. when he came up with new things, everyone loved it, however that is a very different aspect with his foster family. Joe was born on a street but sadly was placed into care two months later, joe never knew his parents, all he knew was his foster parents that he ran away from. Joe never told any one of his friends or minions about his #life in care. Chapter two the devastation Every one had moved away, away from their homes, away from their cities and away from normal #life to a very wild and inexperienced #life in the woods. The tornado had destroyed everything, homes, buildings, and precious things. some died, and those who survived were so very lucky. Joe knew. He knew before any body else so he ran and he told his friends. but their parents did not believe their accusations, so they ran, with joe. People were screaming and crying on the day of the tornado. Some were in front of the tornado but then died when it went crashing into the nearest power line. Some houses went down and only a couple stayed intact. Cars were getting tossed around like toys, it was a nightmare. "Jemma? Oh Jemma don't cry" "Sorry captain. I just can't stop thinking about my family. They could be dead for what I know" "NO JEMMA!! Your family are certainly not dead" Jemma took one look at Sylvia and mouthed 'will you help me get through this' instantly Sylvia nodded and gave Jemma a massive hug. Jemma knew that everyone was listening to what she and Sylvia were talking about. Back at the den, sir joe and his companion Toby aka deputy head minion, were discussing what to do for the party. They already had people getting the food and decorations ready, what more could they possibly need? Sir joe got really stressed out over the fact that nobody was listening to him and that his plan wasn't working out how he wanted. "They should be here by now..Toby?" "Yes sir?" "Our plan HAS worked" Toby looked confused as joe continued "look outside! Their here" joe rushed to the window and moved his hand as though he wanted Toby to be stood next to him. Toby did as he was told and stood with his arms folded copying joe. Toby had a very distinctive face and looked out of the window with pride, as did joe. "March two three four, march two three four, and stop!" Sylvia stood with her arms by her side and had a very serious face on her. She looked very pale as ever, her face was in the shape of a strawberry, and took compliments very seriously, you could tell she cared about her apperence as her hair was brushed into two very neat ponytails that sat nicely either side of her shoulders. Sir joe and deputy head Toby came out to face them alongside joe's minions. "Ahh, we have been expecting you" joe sat on a chair and stroked a stuffed cat so he looked like one of those villein's from the movies. "Ohhh I like that" joe spun around having his back to the troops "ahh We have been expecting you" he said once again spinning around and stroking his stuffed cat. "Look joe, you know why we're here" Sylvia protested "Do I?" Joe replied as though he knew exactly what Sylvia was talking about "oh yes! I remember now! Toby bring the girl" Toby clutched his fists and began to speak but couldn't. He ran into their den and got his prize, meanwhile Sylvia and joe battled it out. "What's your problem?" Sylvia asked in shock "why can't you just leave our troops alone?" "Because I don't want to" joe stood up from his chair and slowly made his way over to Sylvia. Sylvia clutched her weapon as though she was going to use it. Joe gestured to Sylvia for her to bend down to his height, and said "I do it because I'm evil" he cackled like a witch then whispered something else to Sylvia, something that made her change her mind about saving cleo, something that made her shed a tear. Cleo was kneeling next to Toby, she looked like she was pleading to god the way she looked up at the sky and mumbled words that only she could hear. Toby looked down at her, then he reached for her head to stroke her hair as though she was a dog. Joe gave Sylvia an evil look then cackled even more while travelling back to his private chair. "So, Sylvia...what's it gonna be" Sylvia turned around to face her troops "We're leaving" she announced. Toby shook his long black neatly cut hair then looked at cleo in devastation, she looked back in the same way, then tilted her head slowly down to face the ground. Chapter three the mission Sylvia and her troops had made it back to camp to find Jemma crying again. Sylvia supported Jemma once again, but she wasn't crying over her parents, this time it was about her sister, cleo. "I promised her I would look after her, always. But now this has happened! I'm a terrible sister" Jemma put her hands on her face while Chloe got her a tissue. "Don't worry Jem, she will be fine" Chloe exclaimed "No she won't! We left her, she isn't going to be ok with those monsters" Jemma had more tears then she looked up at Sylvia and Chloe in sadness. Sylvia couldn't help feeling responsible for what had happened. Sylvia starred into space thinking about her family and if they were staring at the same part of the sun as she was, then she had an image of them reaching out to touch it, but then they pulled their hands away and they clutched their hands while huddling together like they were one. Sylvia's mind was playing tricks on her, saying things she didn't want to hear, then she looked at Chloe, her hair curled up like a brown spring, her eyes so big, bright and blue with a dash of sparkle added at the corner, her face as round as an orange, her cheeks as red as a plum and her lips shined as bright as the sun, with a baby pink colour smothered into the edges with care. Jemma had her hair down too, but she did not have curls, she had blonde straight hair with a dash of brown, almost like it had been dyed. Her eyes were small and brown but didn't matter while her eye lashes were still amazingly long, her cheeks were pale like Sylvia's but more like a vampire. She smothered her lips in lip balm to cover up the cracks all around her lips. Cleo looked different from her sister, she had longer blonde hair and had slightly tanned skin she had big bright green and blue eyes, her lips weren't cracked but she never put make up on. Jemma always called her a natural beauty while stroking her amazingly soft hair, her hair always shined in the light and looked almost like the sun. Sylvia decided it was time to get cleo back. She confirmed with her troops and they agreed, however, there was one slight problem. "Thats a great idea" Mia exclaimed "but how are we going to do it?" "Well" Sylvia started "this will have to be our very first secret mission. We could be spies, think of that eh?" Sylvia walked around in front of her troops explaining her idea carefully with so much detail. Others asked a few questions then they glared up at her for the remarkable answer they thought she was going to give. They all rushed everywhere all day trying to get ready for their top secret mission. Mia wrote a list of things they were doing to make it look like they were actual spies and they were going to do a top secret mission for the government, the list went something like this: Aim: to return cleo back to camp Tactic: move slow Date of mission: 24 June 2011 Destination: the boys den Mia was so proud of her work, she showed it off to everybody. Then the troops gathered around the big table, they had a model of the den, so it was easier to plan the rescue. Sylvia pointed out the places that her troops were going to go with her stick, she split the troops up into groups so they can all go scattering around to find cleo. Once again, the troops walked up to the den, but this time they were as sly as a fox, not to be seen in the mist. The troops arrived at the den by nightfall, as this will make it harder for the boys to spot them. Toby knew they were there, he saw them. But Toby didn't tell any one of the boys about what he had seen. He sneaked down to the cellar where cleo was, and told her everything. Toby unlocked her cage and lead her out to were her troops were. "No. Toby get off! I don't want to go" cleo began "I don't want to leave you, i love you too much to let you go" Toby put his head down. What everyone else didn't know was that while the boys and the girls were planning things, our lovers, Toby and cleo, had been seeing each other, and now they dont want to be apart. Toby started crying for he knew that if he didn't tell joe the truth, he would be banished from the den and will have no where to go. Cleo also knew what would happen if a boy was dating part of the enemy; he would be banished and even if Cleo tried, Sylvia and the troops wouldn't let Toby stay with them, Sylvia once said that 'it would ruin their reputation'. "What do you like the most?" Toby asked cleo "What do you mean" she replied "What's the one moment you loved, and will cherish forever?" "Oh. Well I have several. But the one moment that i would cherish is when I was at the park with my friends, they went on the big swing while I took my own small one. I looked around and there it was, children laughing and being happy, doing the one thing they love the most, my friends swinging each other to see how high they would go. And then there I was sitting on the swing with the wind in my hair and a cheeky smile on my face. That was before the tornado" "That's nice" Toby replied "a nice memory" "What about you. You must have one, right?" Toby looked at cleo, then shook his head and looked to the ground once more. Cleo put her hands on his shoulders and gave him a cheeky kiss on the lips then pulled away and said "Well now you have one" Chapter four someone special The mission had failed. Cleo hadn't returned to camp. But where was she? Jemma now cried herself to sleep, every night there was tears in her eyes. One of the other girls, Leah, the kindest one, had noticed that Jemma was upset with herself, so one night she woke up and got out from under her covers to greet Jemma and find out what was wrong so she can make it better. "What's wrong Jemma?" Her sweet soft, delicate voice spoke and continued to say "Every night I hear you it cleo, your sister?" Jemma didn't reply to Leah although they were staring at each other straight in the face. Leah got up and smiled at Jemma then headed to her bed. "wait" Jemma called out "it''s cleo" Leah sneered whist looking to the ground. "You miss her, don't you? Look I'm sure she will be alright" Leah confirmed "Promise?" "Promise" "Where is he! I want answers, and I want them NOW!!!" Joe had gone into one of his tantrums, and believe me they didn't get any better. "Erm...I don't know sir. Sorry sir" Liam, a tall handsome, but shy boy bowed his head down in joes honour. "What!! You don't know do you Liam? Eh. eh?" "No sir" "Well you better find out, coz mark my words I will get angry. Now get to it, chop chop eh Liam....and the rest of you, come on, you all should know that this pathetic little worm can't do it on his own dont you!" Joe smiled in an evil way looking at Liam. Everyone laughed and pointed their fingers at him and now saw him as a target. Liam got angry and couldn't keep his fury in any longer. "NO!!" Liam snapped, he confronted joe and said "you what joe? I'm a decent handsome boy, which is more than you will ever be! I'm not pathetic, I'm not a little worm, and most of all, I'm not your servant. Not any more, I quit!" Liam smiled and threw his army hat that they wore on the ground and walked away. Joe was shocked, that had never happened before and he was some what upset inside, but as ever didn't want to show his emotions. "You walk away! And you'll have nothing, no food, no shelter, no friends..." "And no more joe!" Liam interrupted "How dare you interrupt me!...fine you go. But never come looking for a home here ever again, you hear me" joe was furious how Liam looked back and soluted like a soldier then walked away. Days went by while Jemma was still upset over cleo and Liam still out there on his own. He tried to battle it through the hot and cold weather, but struggled. He saw wild bears but then got terrified. He set up camp and made a fire whilst munching on an insect. Joe was right, he was alone, he didn't have any friends at all. But then Liam heard talking, it sounded like a boy and a girl laughing together. "Oh Toby, do you really think it was the right thing to do" "Of course sweetness" it was Toby and...and someone else, but who. "No cleo don't touch the fire. You'll burn yourself" Toby announced "I'm fine, ok. Omg it's a bug! Ahh" "You are such a girl. Come on take my hand" cleo clutched onto Toby as she backed away from the gigantic insect. "No way" Liam whispered to himself "Toby and cleo...together! Wow. I gotta go with them" Chapter five three is a crowed 'Shall I go to them' Liam thought whilst listening to every word Toby and cleo said. 'No I shouldn't. or should I?' Liam grew impatient and needed someone to talk to. otherwise, he might end up lonely and lost forever. "Right that's it! Hold it there you two" Liam had pushed back the bushes to let himself through, it looked like he was wearing a twig in his scarf that wrapped round his head, he also had leafs in his spiky hair, and a hand made belt just for him to put personal things in. "Where did you come from? We've only been gone a few days" cleo said whilst walking over to Liam with Toby. "Good to see you again buddy, I thought that you would still be with joe" Toby said whilst reaching to shake Liam's hand like they were bissnes men. "No" Liam announced "I took off. I couldn't stand him any more, he's just so bossy" "Yeah we all know that, come sit" Toby took Liam over to some wood he and cleo had found and said looked like stools, so that's what they are used for. "It's sad, isn't it?" Toby said "What is?" Asked cleo "The rubble and. Well. The tornado. It must have hit this area" Toby got off his stool and looked around. "Could there be some things from the tornado over there Toby?" Cleo looked over too and wondered if anyones personal things could have been taken over there. Liam sat there watching them look through rubble."You won't find anything, if that's what your doing" Toby looked round "he's right. its over with, every one must have found everything that the tornado had moved away" he mumbled to himself whilst feeling broken "Look Toby, you don't have to listen to fancy pants over there. You can look if you want" cleo snapped. Liam looked over at cleo and gave her a dirty look, she did the same and then pulled Toby closer to her purely to annoy Liam. "Don't be like that cleo, baby. He's right you know, let's face it there ain't anything here" Toby looked over at Liam and mouthed a big sorry. Cleo sat back down and looked up at the sky, it was starting to get dark " look Liam. I'm sorry. I just got used to being alone with Toby you know, but you shouldn't have said that when it clearly made him sad..." "Step back! Slowly" Liam had seen a big bear heading for cleo, Toby tried to distract it, but failed. Cleo got scared and didn't know what to do, she thought about that night. When the tornado had struck, and how scared everyone was. She felt the same way in this situation. "See, if you weren't here then non of this would have happened ahhhhh ahhh" and just like that, the love of Toby's #life had gone, along with the bear.... Chapter six forgiving Toby looked at Liam. Liam looked at Toby and the both of them were shocked how cleo had gone....Toby fell to the ground in despair and started to cry whilst looking paralysed. "Toby" Liam started "I. Am so sorry! I. I just don't know what to say" more tears came running down Toby's cheeks and to think, they could have been happy together. "You ruined it" Toby said without looking up at Liam "you ruined the chances of me and cleo being together. Forever" "Look dude I'm sorry I just..wait! How is this my fault?" "You brought fish, You idiot!!! Bears love fish!" Toby turned to face Liam with more tears coming down his face. "Oh yeah!....erm, sorry dude" Toby cried more, then ordered Liam to get away from him and also mentioned that they were never going to be friends again. Liam had ran off and Toby sat there looking up at the night sky smiling. "Ok!! You got what you want! Now you can take me as well because I don't want to go through #life without my baby, cleo. So come on!!! What are you waiting for? Come and take me, bears!! Come and take me" Liam was listening to Toby's big speech and thought for a moment. "Wait a second...if cleo got eaten, then how come there was no blood! And, how come the bear didn't come after us? Something's not right" Liam whispered to himself. Liam was correct. Something wasn't right and he was going to get to the bottom of it. He trekked and trekked to try and find cleo because he was convinced that the bear was a fake. "Ahhh!!!" Liam heard a scream, it was coming from behind the huge, wide tree beside him. "Omg...Sylvia!! What are you doing here?" Cleo asked whist Liam listened in. "Come to rescue you, silly. Where have you been?" Sylvia wondered whist her and the others were smiling at cleo as though she was going to give them something. "Erm, well.." Cleo started. "What!! This was all an act!? Oh my! Really? Did you even see Toby's face right now? discussed me! You know he just dumped me as a friend" Liam explained "Ouch! That gotta hurt, eh?" Mia said sarcastically whilst laughing at him. "This isn't funny!! Toby even said he wants to kill himself now, because of what you have done..." Liam said angrily at cleo "What" she replied "Yeah! Coz that's how selfishly horrible you are!! I'm outta here" "No wait, Liam" cleo felt pity then looked at Sylvia and the other troops laughing. "Guys! Your supposed to help me!! It's obvious that I ran away with Toby" "No. Really?" Sylvia joked "Why did you have to dress up in that bear costume and pretend a real bear ate me? Huh? Because now, thanks to you, my boy friend might just kill himself" she snapped. "This isn't our fault!!" Sylvia argued "we were only trying to get you back!! God...." "Well maybe I didn't want to come back!!! Maybe that's why I didn't want you guys to find me in the first place!!" Cleo explained as everyone fell silent. "Really?" Jemma asked sadly "this was my idea!! I wanted you back to know that you were safe!! But obviously you weren't planning on coming back. Come on girls lets leave" Cleo looked at her sister and sniffed then looked to the floor in shame as she regretted not coming back to see them. Cleo watched them leave and then started to cry, almost forgetting about Toby. She quickly cleared her mind and ran back to where she thought Toby would be. Cleo had found him but not in the way she had hoped for...shortly after, Liam found them and joined cleo in crying. Toby was dead. He was sadly found with a knife in his hand with blood on the tip and a note on his chest addressed to Liam. It said.. Dear Liam. I am so sorry about how I treated you and how I chose to end my #life and our friendship, but you know I had to because I needed to be up here in heaven with cleo. Please look after yourself and never forget me because even though I am dead, my spirit still lives and I will always be looking down on you with cleo and we will be guiding you, always. Love your best mate Toby P.s if you ever see my mum, please tell her I love her and I will be guiding her along the way too, good luck 'big bro' Liam cried more and looked up at the night sky and mouthed 'I love you bro' then sat down on a stool and put his hands to his face to wipe away his tears. "He...he died for me" cleo said. "Yeah" Liam sniffed "he did. But please, don't be like Romeo and Juliet because I can't stand it when people die, especially someone I care about" cleo looked at Liam then sat next to him on a stool and started to hug him to make him feel better even though she was also crying her eyes out too. Liam jumped off the high stool and at once started running as he hit the ground. "Where are you going?" Cleo shouted "Liam!? Come back" Liam heard what she was saying, but was to much determined to find joe. Liam ran until he came to this big gate with two guards either side it wearing the same things. "Liam?" The first guard asked "What are you doing here? Joe would banish you if he knew you were here" "I know, I know. But I need to see him" Liam pleaded as the guards shook their heads "Please. It's dead" "What!" Ben, the other guard said "how?" "Ahh what utter nonsense" Jerry, the first guard spluttered "It's not!" Liam replied "here" Liam handed the letter to Jerry and watched him as he read it. "He killed himself...for a girl!!??" Jerry said in a astonished way. "So who's cleo then" Ben asked as he lent over to take a closer look at the letter, Ben looked at Jerry, Jerry looked at Ben and at the same time, they both turned their heads to face Liam. " isn't dead..." Liam said whilst being interrupted by someone screaming his name. "Liam!!! There you are!" Cleo screamed. She got closer and said "where are we?" "Who are you?" Asked Jerry "I'm cleo" she put out her hand to shake his then put on a fake smile as she was still upset. "You can't be! In this letter it says that your dead!" Ben confirmed "I know...but it isn't true" "Well obviously! Sorry, I guess your still sad about the whole Toby thing...right?" Cleo looked up at Ben and nodded, Ben stood closer to her and started to hug her to try and make it better. "He would never forgive me!! And I would never forgive myself because of what happened" cleo muttered "He will! And don't you worry you'll be happy again soon" Ben told her whilst handing her the letter as that is the only thing she has left of Toby. "I love you Toby" she said, looking at the letter. "Wow!! Did you just see that!!??" Words started to appear onto the letter, it was from Toby because it said: I love you too baby. "What happened?" Liam asked "Look at the letter and say something to Toby!!! Go on!" Cleo demanded as she handed the letter to Liam "Toby, you will always be my best friend, I'm always thinking of you" he mumbled and saw words beginning to appear on the letter, just like cleo did. But this time it said: I can see you right now! It's me, Toby. I told you I am looking down on you and on cleo, but here's the thing, only you two can see what I write to you. Chapter seven power of paper "This is awesome" cleo said whilst jumping up and down on the spot. "By the way, what are your names?" "Ben and Jerry" Ben said "Ben and Jerry Ice cream! Hahaha" cleo applauded then waved good bye to them as she and Liam wondered off somewhere. "So where are we going?" Liam asked "To the girls lair" cleo said whilst turning her head to look at the devastation on Liam's face. So, they walked off together to find the lair and some how got to be very close to be very close friends by the time they reached the gates to the lair. No one was at the door waiting to open the gates, so Liam and cleo just walked in without any one knowing. "Boy!!!! It's a boy!! The enemy is inside the premises" one of the girls, Maria, shouted. Everyone looked around at Liam and pointed until Sylvia came to sort it out. "Calm everyone" she said "don't worry we met him earlier" she looked at him in discussed and then looked over at cleo. "Cleo. Your back! I thought you'd never come" "Oh I'm not staying if that's what you mean" cleo answered and looked around to see everyone talking about her "I only came to tell you that Toby's dead and we can talk to him" cleo explained everything and nearly everyone believed her. Cleo also pointed out to the girls that they are being stupid about the whole boys vs girls thing and that Sylvia and joe should talk things out and make peace. being so silly fighting with each other and not having the decency to live happily together or will the boys and girls still continue with their separate ways.

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