Translate   12 years ago

Panic. So in two days time I start my placement and I've got no bloody idea what I'm supposed to do I can't remember how the children in my class are grouped or what they already know or what I'm supposed to go in and teach even though I have a maths and language lesson this week on data handling and non-fiction writing yet I have no idea how to start the topics or how to get the kids to listen to me or if they will listen to me at all or if my teacher will may or may not be there cause she got a new job and might be starting on Monday and then I'll end up with a supply teacher or another person that doesn't know me or my university's requirements and I'm really worried cause I don't want to fail I really want to do well and just wish I bloody knew what I was doing so I could enjoy the job I want to do instead of panicking about it and also another thing I want to know when my tutor is coming out to visit me cause she hasn't emailed it better be before my 21st birthday party cause we've spent a lot of money on it and I kinda want to enjoy it to be honest so she better tell me when it is soon and finally I better start planning for my topic on minibeasts cause to be honest I've got absolutely no idea how to start teaching them that either not to mention the children I'm teaching are bilingual and some of them don't understand a lot of English and I really want to be successful and help them achieve the best they can and feel proud that I did something good and that they have learned something from me I think I need to calm down a bit and just realise that I need to take each day as it comes and make sure my planning file is kept up to date cause the last thing I need is to fail on my planning but it's to be responsive and I don't really understand it cause we did sequence planners last year why can't they keep it the same and another thing I better remember to smile and not let the kids let on to the fact I've got no clue what I'm doing.

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