Good House Keeping #Erotica Julia woke up to find her hotels window open. As she set foot out of her warm bed to the cold floor a shiver ran down her spine. She crossed to the window, shut it and gazed back to her king sized bed. I felt to big for her alone. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Julia watched as a grey haired man stepped into the room. He looked to be in his fiftys and her a young twenty four year old. He looked like he hadn't had sex in a long time. 'Im sorry' he said. 'I am just hear to clean the room'. Julia held up a hand to him and then beckoned him forward. 'What is your name? She asked him softly. 'Arthur ' he replied. ' Well Arthur how long has it been since you had meaningless animal sex? A sudden small bulge can from his trousers that only a woman of Julia's experience would be able to see. 'A very long time ' he replied. And with that Julia pulled down her strapless silk bra and let her perky Breasts stand out. She came over to Arthur and commanded him to pull down her matching panties. He did so ever so slowly and as he saw the gleaming wet pussy waiting for him she heard him give a small moan. Julia closed her legs and made him stand his shirt and pants were gone in a minute and then she turned her attention to the obvious bulge coming from his boxers. She sat on the bed, crossed her legs and said 'take them off slowly'. He did as she commanded and when he was finished he through his boxers across the room. Julie stood walked over to his room service cart, took one of the mints and popped it into her mouth. And she sucked it Arthur wished she would do that to his aching cock that was hungry for someone to suck it and suck it hard. She finished the mint and walked over to him and without other word she slipped her wet mouth over his cock. Arthur marvelled at how skilled she was at keeping the balance of sucking and Stroaking as she truly worked his shaft.And then suddenly it was over and as opened his eyes he say her lying on the bed with her legs apart and he could see the drops of moister coming from her aching pussy. And without no warning he went straight into her and she cried out as the feeling overtook her. He shot load after load into her and she was surprised at this despite his age and then he picked her up while still inside her and brought her against the wall he brought himself in and out of her so fast that she was over come by the feeling. And the he took himself out of her and stepped away. She sat up and came over to him 'well done' she said. He nodded took his cart and left the room. Julia smiled to herself would she ever stop harassing the help? And with that she put her underwear back on climbed under the covers and despite the cum that soaked the sheets she fell asleep in seconds.
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