Traducciones   12 años

No Title Sweet sweet innocence a girl once has .. The innocent little girls looks up to there dads ., Laughing and smiling with nothing to do No worries about those boys who say I love you ., Forever or never Almost the same .. The little girls takes there mistakes to blame Pressure and words run down as tears.. Daddy knew .. It was his biggest fear., Once was a girl who played with toy dolls looked up to mommy .. And never was called .. Those nasty mean names or disrespectful words Now that everyone heard .... She has only but her self to blame, Sucked into society ... Now it's a shame .. I'm no longer expected to have a dream.. I'm more expected to have my body seen.. So no dreams just seen .... Disrespected girls with dreams Now have hearts bursting out there own seems Crying and wondering why no one believes in me ., Well because everyone had that free ...,. Free chance to see you undressed And unwed He got into your bed .,, So now society got the best of your head.. Pretty soon it's anther girl dead .. So instead of a Memoir It's a post instead ... So how many likes could this girl get For showing a body not a smile instead So stop liking the photo You don't even know tho Your encouraging the act your kids will once show. So understand and stop letting the social media grow.., The world is beginning a childhood Disaster The bad stuff is coming a way lot faster , So instead of being 30 to act all flirty is now being young wild and dirty ., So my words are simple .. Maybe soon to be dead I'm just trying to explain how this world should be lead .... Our age is able to spread the word so stop making it harder And less of your concern .... Our age is now getting old Our kids will soon learn what you where once told .. But now it's just anther girl to be sold ... I'm just asking ... What will it be like when we grow old .. -Andrea Wagner

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