Translate   11 years ago

The Play INT. Office-night ADAM LOOSE was sitting in his cramped and dark room, piles of paper had been scattered around the room and a pile of scripts are stacked ontop of his desk, Adam is bending over a scripts using a table light to look at the script. ADAM No, no, this is all wrong! Adam throws the script in the bin then goes on to the next script, only after glancing at it. ADAM I'm the director not you. Adam is about to throw the script away when Adam's mobile on the floor rings and Adam walks to the mobile and picks it up. ADAm What?! HANNAH I hope you don't talk to all of your clients like this Loose. ADAM O-oh no surname, I..I thought you were someone else. HANNAH Mmmm, So Loose have you found you're so called master piece yet? ADAM I'm still looking, I- HANNAH We haven't got forever Adam! You're last series was a disaster! You Rember what I told you and me and disasters? ADAM Yes I- HANNAH I through them out! Permanently! You'd better get your act together! Or you... Hannah carry's on talking, while she is letecheting him, Adam steps backwards on to a piece of paper, he picks the piece of paper up on realising its a dirty ragged script and reads a couple of lines while you can still hear Hannah talking to him on the phone. ADAM Good HANNAH Adam! Are you Liserning to me? ADAM Very good HANNAH Adam? ADAM Look, I've got to go, call you later? HANNAH Adam! Adam not waiting for a reply, hangs up and runs to his desk and shoves the script onto his desk, scattering other scripts and reads the script hurriedly all through. ADAM Brilliant!

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